Kanchana’s Imaginative Story!

One sunny morning I woke up in my lovely cottage. I was walking to the kitchen but before I reached it I saw a door I had never seen before. I was curious so I opened it and behind it was the beach. It was so sunny,the sea was looking yellow.I went along the sand and I found a cave. Inside it was pitch black and then suddenly the cave lit up and I could see a woman. She had a long black dress trailing behind her, black and red sparkly shoes, a glowing staff, a black crown with particles floating around it and burning red eyes. She said her name was Cerca. She laughed an evil laugh and asked me what my name was and I said “Kanchana”. She came closer to me and very weirdly touched me and I fell into a porthole but just as I was going to go down in to it I heard Cerca saying “good luck in the time of myths and legends, ha ha ha”. I wondered what she meant because it looked like I was going to find out. At first it looked like I was in a desert but it turned out to be an arena. and I heard someone saying “little girl verses Hercules” and I was l was like “what or more like when”. Now I know what Cerca time of myth and legends because that’s what this place is, a place where myths and legends LIVE! I still have to battle Hercules. I heard he killed a three headed dog! I thought about weapons to kill him and it came to life. I had a shield as gold as all the riches in the world. I had a sword that looked as sharp as a machete. I used it like a dart and it cut right through his head, it was disgusting sight, blood spread everywhere. then I had to keep teleporting to different placesand having to defeat different myths and legends like medusa,pegasus and even a cyclops. the last teleport place was at a dark forest and there, on  the top of a rock stood cerca and next to her was a person that I regonized. It was a friend from school but there was something different about her. She had BUTTERFLY WINGS!  I said “hi” to Emily. Emily flew to me and said she was half butterfly-half human! It was a big shock. Cerca said the only way to go home was if I killed her. So I thought of a boy and Cerca burst into flames. Emily asked how I knew to do that? I said because girls in my class hate boys. THE END! Teacher that’s what I did this weekend!

One thought on “Kanchana’s Imaginative Story!”

  1. hi my name is Aroha I am in new Zealand this story is amazing I think it is good because it is based on a leagend I really like the story

    bye bye from Aroha

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