Hi it’s Louise again I know you are getting bored of me and let’s just continue with this post.
So in writing we are doing essays on Europe and they are soooooooooooooooooooo hard and fun to do at the same time.
So far we have done 2 essays so far one for leaving and remaining in the EU and the other one is for English should be the only language spoken in Europe. I loved doing the leaving and remaining in the EU because I think it was a really adulty arguement.
That is all for now see y’all on my next post and plz comment on more essay choices good bye.
HI!! Vaila again!! Today I will tell you about our cooperative learning afternoon. What we did was answer 4 questions (What’s good about our school, What makes it difficult to learn, what would make the school a better place and another one which is practically the same as the last one.) I had a lot of fun, and it has given the teachers good ideas of what to add to the school to make us happy. ( Did I mention we got money from the government to do the things we want to do??)
Tell me in the comments if you liked the cooperative learning afternoon!! Bye bye!! – Vaila ^U^
Hi! It’s Ellen The Excellent & Vaila The Valiant. Today we will be talking about the voar redd up. In case your brain does not know, Da Voar Redd Up is where you clean up and make the world a cleaner place. we did it with the other primary sixes in groups of four. So, we were given particular places we weren’t allowed to clean. These were The wildlife area,the car park and any where out the school grounds including our houses. We ended up getting quite a lot of it.We really enjoyed doing Da Voar Redd Up and hope you can do it too!!!!! ^U^
As part of our Europe topic, last term we began planning holidays for imaginary families. We had to select an appropriate European destination based on what the family wanted for the climate, range of activities, method of travel, accommodation and their budget.
First we created a budget plan by writing down all our costs of the holiday in a table. We had to research the costs of the accommodation, activities and travel.
Next we are creating powerpoints to present our final holiday ideas to the class. We will vote for the holiday which we think fits the requirements of the family the best!
Here are some websites you may find useful to help plan a holiday:
Hallo! Vaila here. Today is the day you go out there and impress your friends with how much German you can speak. I am your guide vaila.(XD) So. Starting off you can say ……. is cool. How to do that insert your friends name in front and then say “ist cool.” You can also say I love you: ich liebe dich. Onto the less soppy things. I’m hungry: ich habe hunger. I’m tired: ich bin müde. Mama is mum and vati is dad. That’s really all I can be bothered to do right now.
Hallo! This week in German we have been learning how to say “How are you?” “What’s your Name?” “Good Morning” “Good day” “Good evening” and “Good night” “Please” “yes” “No” “GoodBye” Here are the sayings in German “Wie geht es dir?” “Wie heiBen Sie?” “Guten Morgen” “Guten Tag” “Guten Abend” “Guten Nacht” “Bitte” “Ja” “Nein” “Auf Wiedersehen!” and the numbers up to 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 here they are in German Null Eins Zwei Drei Vier Funf Sechs Sieben Acht Neun Zehn Elf Zwolf Well that is all the number and words here Today Auf Wiederdehen!!!
Hello welcome back or if you just joined then hi I’m Ellen today I will be talking about extraordinary woman because tomorrow Is international women’s day
1-Audrey Hepburn, Not only was she a phenomenal actress she did a lot of work for children who are homeless.
2-Emma Watson, Emma Watson has done a lot for women and men around the globe like partake in marches to stop gender equality.
3-Frida Kahlo, although she didn’t help the world her story is so inspiring and inspirational it would be a crime if I didn’t put her on the list.
4-Malala Yousafvzai, if you don’t know who Malala Yousafvzai then you should really go and read her book or look her up on the internet because now she has so many followers fighting with her to support women everywhere in the world going to school.
In gym we do Table Tennis .We practiced hitting the ball to our partners over a bench .Lisa’s partner was Libby .Kayla’s was Robbie .We enjoyed it because it was fun.
Hi, everyone!! My name is Vaila and today I will be telling you about the European Union*. The European Union is a group of countries who work together in trade, travel, and business. To get into the European union your country takes some sort of test. Most countries in TEU have Euros as their currency, but countries such as Britain use their own money!
If you want to learn more, click the link!! Goodbye friends! 🙂