Maths Homework – Term 4, Week 6 (22nd-25th May)

Hello 6A! Seeing as we have been focusing on fractions over the past few weeks, your homework task this week in maths is to complete some fractions games online, to practice applying some of the knowledge about fractions that you have learned.
You must try at least 2 (or more!) of the game to play, and try to play a little each day – even 10 minutes is perfect.

Dolphin Racing – practice comparing different fraction sizes 

Fraction Matcher – matching written and picture fractions  :

Equivalent Fractions – practice putting fractions on number line:

Improper and mixed fractions:

Fraction Beach – Practice writing fractions:

Fraction Flags – make flags with the correct amount of coloured parts :

Ordering Fractions from smallest to biggest :

Practice lots of fraction skills with these two excellent games:

TreeFrog –

Creature Capture –


Record your progress on your homework sheet, including which game you found more helpful any why, and what you used to help you complete the game.

For example:

“I played Fraction Matcher and Creature Capture. The first game helped me practice linking symbols like 1/2, 3/4 to a picture example of that fraction. I liked Creature Capture best though, because that let me practice a lot of different skills with fractions, and it was really fun! You could also play it multiplayer so I was able to play it with my friends too.”


Have fun! I look forward to hearing about your favourite games next week.

Miss Mainland

Leaflets 😽

This week in writing we wrote leaflets for the new Primary 1s that are going to come to sound school after summer. Some people wrote about the library, some people wrote about our school and lots more. We have a very creative class here in P6a so we had a ton of amazing leaflets! I wrote about our school. I wrote (and illustrated) about important people in our school. I also did a map thing of where to go, and get picked up at the end of the day. I enjoyed doing the leaflets, so tell me if you did in the comments below! See you! Byyyyeeeeeee!! 😝


ps. I made the featured image all by my self 😗

This week in maths

This week in Maths we have focused on all things Time-related. We have looked at the relationship between 12 hour and 24 hour time, reminding ourselves how to convert these, and we also practiced reading some tricky timetables.

These are online games to support our learning about Time, which we will be having a go at as part of our maths on Friday (today!):

Warming Up

Practising your Time skills

Challenge time!