
Hi it’s Louise again I know you are getting bored of me and let’s just continue with this post.

So in writing we are doing essays on Europe and they are soooooooooooooooooooo hard and fun to do at the same time.

So far we have done 2 essays so far one for leaving and remaining in the EU and the other one is for English should be the only language spoken in Europe. I loved doing the leaving and remaining in the EU because I think it was a really adulty arguement.

That is all for now see y’all on my next post and plz comment on more essay choices good bye.

2 thoughts on “Essay”

  1. AN ESSAY ARGUING IF LUCKY STAR OR ATTACK ON TITAN IS BETTER!! If you don’t know, Lucky Star and Attack On Titan are both anime. I LUVES MAH ANIMUUUU. YAEGER!!!!!

    1. AoT is really dramatic and sad and Lucky Star is absolutely hilarious. Also YAGER!!!!! is a line from the AoT theme song.

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