All posts by gw09stockanlee@glow

Snow Day: Wednesday, 17th January

Good Morning, P6 23-24! I hope you are all well this morning.
Please click on the link below to see today’s Home Learning Grid.
There is another Decimals Assignment and a story writing Assignment. You can type straight into the Class Notebook pages that are attached to the assignments.
Also, have some fun building something in the snow today… doesn’t have to be a snowman! I’d love to see some photos of what you’ve made.

Snow Day Tuesday, 16th January

Good Morning, P6! What a snowy day! Ollie, Willow and Lolly have all found cosy spots indoors and are happily snoozing away. They don’t like the cold snow on their paws! 🐾
Please click on the link below to see today’s Home Learning Grid. Again, there are two assignments for you to complete. I know that some of you had difficulty opening documents yesterday so I have made some changes today. You should all be able to type your answers into the Class Notebook pages that are attached to your Assignments. Remember, any questions, please just get in touch. Stay cosy! ❄️

Maths Week

Last week, the whole school celebrated Maths Week.

Chao’s at the North Pole

P6 really enjoyed helping to solve their part of the Chaos at the North Pole STEAM Challenge.

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. We used skills from all these curricular areas to help Santa’s reindeers fly after the magic elf dust had disappeared. We discussed forces, friction and what makes things more aerodynamic.


Maths at work

We have been learning that maths is everywhere! Indie’s Dad, came in to talk to P6 about he uses maths in his job as a pharmacist. It was interesting to hear how he uses it to work out doses, cost and amounts of medicines.


Visit from Mind Your Head

P6 had a visit recently from Elle and Taliah who work for Mind Your Head. They spoke about the work they do to help support adults and young people in Shetland.

We spoke about the importance of self care. We also had the chance to discuss how different scenarios can affect people’s mental health in a positive or negative way and what we can do  to help if we have any worries, concerns or if we’re finding things tricky.

You can find out more on their website by clicking the link below: