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  • P67 learn about Igneous rocks

    Good luck in your new job Mrs Anderson. well done Haven club winners Well done Star Badge winners Creating dams and boats at our beach. Learning about how our landscape was formed. Peppermint creams for Valentines. Cooperative games in p12. Dictionary skills in p34.

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  • Aboriginal Dreaming

    Enjoying the nice weather. Practicing sharing. p567 are learning about the creation stories of religions and cultures.  This week they learn ones about the ancient story traditions of the Aborigines. p34 have been using Clicker 8 to create texts related to their Romans topics. p12 have been doing lots of experimenting with making sounds.

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  • Story, Song and Sign of the Week

    Week Beginning: 17th February 2025 Our story of the week is The Perfect Fit by Naomi Jones.                 Click on the link below to view and listen to the story being read by the author and illustrator. Our song of the week is The Shapes Song. Click on the link below to sing along to the song. Our Signalong sign of the week is More.    

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  • Cunningsburgh Early Years 2024-25 Term 3 Week 6

    STEM (Monday -Friday) Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in Early years is all about exploration and discovery, allowing the bairns to make sense of and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Garden spring clean (Tuesday) With the lovely week of weather we started the spring clean of the garden cupboards. We found the bird feeder cages during the tidy so made some tasty treats for the hungry birds the bairns spotted sitting on the fence. Bookbug (Wednesday) Everyone enjoyed ‘One, two, buckle my shoe’ and ‘If you’re happy and you know it’ Claire asked the bairns to

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  • Term 3 Week 6

    Big Question This week we have been learning about the digestive system.  Here are the kids drawing life sized images of what they thought the digestive system was like before they learned about it. Food Preparation with Carrie Ann This week a group was looking at making healthy sandwiches. Hopefully everyone will get a chance to do 3/4 food preparation sessions over the course of the term. Discovery Last week in comprehension one group was learning about impressionist and post impressionist paintings. This week for discover the topic everyone chose a painting to recreate. I am so impressed by the

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  • Term 3 Week 6

    Maths – Fractions. This week we spent a little bit of time outside learning about equivalent fractions. Big Question – The Skeletal System. This week we were learning about the skeletal system and the different bones. We worked in pairs to draw skeletons and label as many bones as possible. There were lots of laughs whilst drawing the skeletons but the results are super.

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Featured Images information

We have just added some information and instructions about Featured Images, These are a rather neglected ‘feature’ on Glow Blogs. They are really useful for making your posts stand out on both your own site and when you share them. There are especially useful if you share posts and can enhance your own site by […]

Additional CSS Issue

In the most recent update to Glow blogs we updated the version of Jetpack that we use. Jetpack no longer supports Additional CSS. This is no longer available from the customiser or in the Styles of the Site Editor. CSS already added to sites continues to function. Native WordPress support Additional CSS but not in […]

Jet Pack Settings Issue

Some sites with the Jetpack plugin enabled do not have a link in the Dashboard Sidebar. Our developers are aware of the problem and are working on a fix. Workaround The Jetpack settings can be accessed from the Plugins screen: Clicking on the Settings link under the Jetpack listing will take you to the Jetpack […]

Glow Blogs October 2024 Update

Glow Blogs has just had a fairly large update. Glow Blogs is now using wordPress 6.6.2. This bring quite a lot of new features, especially to the Block & Site Editor. Quite a few plugins have been updated too.

H5P Issue Some content types cannot be installed

An issue with H5P content types has arisen. If you try to install some content types you will get an error. The problem seems to be because the H5P API has been updated but the version used by theWordPress plugin does not now match it.