Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Internet Day.

This year the theme is all about the reliability of online information.

Watch the story of Detective Digiduck (Link below) as he finds out that not everything you find on the Internet is true and how you can  check what you find.

Detective Digiduck

For more activities and information the link below will take you to a Parents and Carers pack.

Safer Internet Day – Parents Pack

Mascot Design Competition

A competition is being run for Shetland Primary pupils to design a brand  new “SIC Sport and Leisure Mascot”.

There are  3 separate entry categories for the competition– P1/2, P3/4 and P5-7 , with the winning entry in each age group winning a prize.  An ‘overall winner’ will then be chosen and the design will be passed to Art Machine for them to create a set of graphics. The competition organisers are hoping the designs will be inspired by Shetland as well as Physical Activity in the very broadest sense!

Click below for the entry form and details. Closing date for entries are Friday 19th February.

Mascot Design Entry Form

Welcome to Week 3

Keep up the good work everyone. Thank you to all who have sent examples of work for me to see. I am also checking on your progress on Sumdog and can see that some of you have being working hard on your number skills.
Wednesday is a Holiday so I won’t be putting up any Literacy or Numeracy on the Blog that day, so you can either take a rest or use it as a catch up day.

RSPB Great Garden Bird Watch

Next weekend 29th – 31st January is the RSPB Great Garden Bird Watch. The RSPB have sent us some ideas on how to become better birdwatchers. Click on the video below to see how you can get to know the birds in your garden better and help them through the winter months. There is also an identification sheet made specially for Shetland. Happy birdwatching!

Sit Spot and Birdwatching

Shetland bird ID


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas break with your families. We’ll not be seeing each other in class for a few weeks, so I’ll be posting some PE activities and also some mindfulness and health and wellbeing activities you can do at home to keep you active, happy and healthy in your body and mind! I look forward to hearing all about how you keep yourselves healthy and happy over the next few weeks as we learn from home once more.
You’ll find the activities under the Home Learning Tab above. Just click on Health and Wellbeing or Visiting Teachers (for the P.E.).