
Week 6 (15th – 17th Feb) – Topic

Lesson 1: Gods

As you will have seen from the Roman Town picture the Romans had many temples which they built to worship their gods.  They would also have smaller shrines in their homes or workplaces where they would offer up gifts to the gods. The Romans worshipped many different gods. Some of the names will be familiar to you – a lot of the planets in the solar system were named after Roman Gods – Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars

Watch the clip below to find out more.

Roman Gods

This power point will tell you all about the different gods. Look at it with an adult as there are some tricky bits to read. Which is your favourite god?


Now complete the worksheets in your pack .

P1/2 – Which God is which?

P3/4 – Wordsearch and Design a God

Colour in the Roman God sheet you have and see if you can find out  anything about your god. The Powerpoint will help or you could look on the Internet.  Write anything you can find on the worksheet  around the picture. 

A lot of our months of the year were also named after gods. See if you can work out which month goes with each clue on the Months of the Year worksheet. Either write them in yourself or get someone to help you.

P3/4 – cut out the strips and put them into the right order. P1/2 you can also do this if you want to.

Week 5 (8th – 12th Feb) – Topic

Lesson 1: Mosaics

One type of evidence we’ve found from Roman times are mosaics. These were often used on the floors in Roman buildings. The Romans used these for decoration and also as signs. This famous one from Pompeii says “Beware of the Dog”.

Mosaics are made up of hundreds and thousands of small coloured pieces of stone, just like the ones we have on the wall at Happyhansel.
Watch the Powerpoint and then see if you can colour in your own mosaic patterns on the template sheets.

T2-H-031-Roman-Mosaic-Photo-Powerpoint (1)

Lesson 2: Roman Towns

The Romans were in Britain for about 400 years. They didn’t just build walls and forts they also built lots of towns, some of them quite big.
Watch the clip below to find out about Roman towns.

Roman Towns

Now see if you can label the picture of the Roman town using the descriptions of the different buildings. Roman Town Worksheet.
Then colour it in.

Week 4 (1st – 5th Feb) – Topic

Lesson 1: The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire covered a huge area. It is amazing to think the Romans conquered all of this land mainly on foot or horseback, as there were no cars, aeroplanes or other vehicles at this time.

Primary 1  and Primary 2
Look at the map of the Roman Empire and then see if you can colour it in on your worksheet The Roman Empire. Use any colour you want (apart from blue!). Now colour in the sea blue.

Primary 3/4
Complete the worksheet The Roman Empire Some of the words might be a little tricky so ask a grown up to help. Look at the map of the Roman Empire and then colour it in on the worksheet in whatever colour you want.

Complete the Timeline of Romans in Scotland Worksheet

Lesson 2: How do we know about the Romans?

We know all about the Romans, and that they were definitely in Britain, because of all the evidence that they left behind.

One of the main pieces of evidence are the remains of Roman buildings, one of these is Hadrian’s Wall which they built in the North of England. They also built a wall in Scotland called the Antonine Wall, but there are just a few bits of this one left to see. Watch the clips below to find out about the Walls.

Hadrian’s Wall

Why did the Romans build walls?

The Antonine Wall

Now colour in the picture of a mile-castle.

What else might archaeologists and historians have found that the Romans left behind?

Watch the clip below and see if you can hear what some of this other evidence might be.

Did the Romans invade Scotland?

Now complete the worksheet  How do we know about the Romans?

Week 3 – Topic

Lesson 1: Life in Scotland before the Romans:

Last week you found out about the Roman Empire and the Roman Soldiers who conquered the lands that became the Roman Empire. But, what was life like in Scotland, and the rest of Britain, before the Romans came? Watch the clip below to find out:

Life in Scotland before the Romans

Now see if you can draw a Celtic  roundhouse. Look at the photos on this site to help.

Celtic Roundhouses

Lesson 2: Why did the Romans come to Britain?

So, why did the Romans come to Britain? Watch the following clip and listen out for why the Romans wanted to come to Britain. (What did we have that they wanted?)

How the Romans conquered Britain

When did the Romans arrive in Scotland? The clip below will tell you.

The Romans come to Scotland


Week 2 – Topic

We are doing a Whole school topic this term on The Romans.
Mr. Pearson, who will be teaching P5-7 on a Friday once we are back at school, will be setting the Topic work for both classes. here are the first two lessons.


Task 1:  Watch ROMAN EMPIRE | Educational Video for Kids. – Bing video

Next we’re going to learn some Topic Vocabulary. Complete at least one of Tasks 2, 3 or 4 below. Do them all if you’re keen.

Primary 1/2 just pick a few of the words to do.

Task 2:  Carefully copy out each of the following words 3 times:











Task 3   Write out each word carefully once using rainbow writing – where each letter is a different colour.

Task 4   Hidden Words: Draw any picture of your choice of anything you like. Hide all of the above words somewhere in your picture!

Extra : Task 5: ( Hard !)   Silly Sentences.  For each word think of a silly sentence and write it out.

Lesson 2

Task 1: Watch the following 3 short clips about Roman Soldiers

What Was Life Like? | Episode 2: Romans – Meet a Roman Legionary – Bing video

Roman Soldiers – Demonstration of Imperial Power – Bing video

A day in the life of a Roman soldier – Robert Garland – Bing video

Task 2:  If you have access to a printer try and complete the following worksheet


Don’t worry if you don’t have access to a printer –  you could copy out the shield and draw a colourful pattern on it.

Task 3: On a piece of paper see if you can draw a Roman Soldier by following this video clip: How to Draw a Roman Soldier

Task 4:  Design you own shield. Draw a shield outline and then draw on it things that you like doing such as hobbies and sports

Extra: Task 5  Use your imagination to draw a Super -Soldier of the future. You can decide what amazing new weapons and clothing they will have! Try and add labels to explain what everything is. Good luck!

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