Tag Archives: Design

Roman Displays

Here are a few pictures of the displays we had up in school at the start of this term. The Romans was the topic we had during  Term 3. After we arrived back in school after the lock down we completed some art work which linked in – Roman shields, Roman soldiers, mosaics and Aqueducts. We even used the shields to make the Roman Army defensive position called the testudo or “tortoise”.

Mascot Design Competition

A competition is being run for Shetland Primary pupils to design a brand  new “SIC Sport and Leisure Mascot”.

There are  3 separate entry categories for the competition– P1/2, P3/4 and P5-7 , with the winning entry in each age group winning a prize.  An ‘overall winner’ will then be chosen and the design will be passed to Art Machine for them to create a set of graphics. The competition organisers are hoping the designs will be inspired by Shetland as well as Physical Activity in the very broadest sense!

Click below for the entry form and details. Closing date for entries are Friday 19th February.

Mascot Design Entry Form