Star badges and wider achievement
Friday Fun net mending, jigsaws, bracelets, firework art and mindfulness.
In p12 this week we have used The Giant of Jum story. We have done lots of drawing and writing. We enjoyed making firework art with older pupils.
In p34, some more learning about conjunctions, multiplication and research for our topic. The class came up with questions they’d like to find out about, so we’re focusing on ‘how is rain made?’ They researched on the laptops, took notes and printed images to show what they found out.
We have also enjoyed reading a bit more of our class novel ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark,’ a favourite of Mrs Paul’s!
In p56 they have been studying Hinduism as part of our project on Light. We have also enjoyed doing collaborative ICT tasks.
P6/7 have been learning about light. What is a light source and what is a reflector? Whenever we have a spare 5 mins we are making lego models.
Our October challenge raised £414 for new reading books. Well done to those who participated. Star badges and Secret Student awards were presented.
Our Christmas show is now underway. It’s going to be fabulous!