Welcome Back

Welcome to Term 2!

It is lovely to see the bairns and staff back in school after what I hope has been a relaxing break for everyone.

We are still following the covid-19 procedures and protocols shared with you last term. The letter can be found here .  If there are any changes or relaxation of restrictions we will inform you as soon as possible.

Please be vigilant about symptoms of covid-19. If your child or any family member displays symptoms you must isolate and book a test.

I am really proud of how well the bairns and staff have adapted to these changes to keep everyone as safe as we can. We really couldn’t ask for more!

Meet the new Junior Road Safety Officers!

This year’s Junior Road Safety Officers are Hannah,  Ava,  Anders and Magnus.

This year I’m hoping to be a good example for the younger ones.  Anders.

This year I am looking forward to learning more about road safety. Magnus.

I’m looking forward to communicating with you all over glow.  Hannah.

I’m looking forward to working together in a group and seeing the ideas we will come up with.  Ava

Here we are with Elaine Skinley, the Road Safety Officer.

Our team got straight to work counting out how many reflectors were needed for each Primary class.  They will be quarantined until next week before being given out.  We hope they help to keep you safe on the darker nights!

Look out for more JRSO posts in the future!







Early Help team

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on children and families across the world.

The Early Help Team in Shetland are offering support to families in a variety of ways.

Please read the information and get in touch with us at school or the Early Help Team in the information provided.

We are keen to do all we can to support our families at this challenging time.

Homework questionnaire

Following our recent Education Scotland inspection we are looking to develop and improve our homework policy, making it more consistent and purposeful.  We also want to ensure you are involved in your child’s learning.

We have emailed out a questionnaire today for you to complete. This will really help us with our planning. I have also added the link below.

Homework Questionnaire


Term 1 Update

I cannot quite believe we are already in week 6! The term is passing really quickly.

I am so impressed with how well the bairns and staff have settled back into school life, accepting the changes and restrictions.

The bairns have been given £60 per class from school funds to buy some toys for indoor and outdoor play times. They are working on finalising their orders.

We will be sharing our reporting calendar with you tomorrow. It is such a shame we can’t welcome you into school. For parents evenings this October we will be sending home a settling in report with P1-7 pupils and offering a follow up phone call for those who would like one.

Please also look out for our home work survey which will come out soon.

I miss seeing many of you at the school gates or popping into school. I really look forward to the day we can see each other in person. In the meantime, please remember to get in touch if there is anything we can do to help or support you.

Happy Holidays

Mrs Leslie and I would like to wish you all a very happy holiday.

This has been a very unusual term and we have missed you all very much! We hope that you have a fun, relaxing summer ahead and look forward to welcoming you back to school in August. We are not entirely sure what that will be like yet but once we know, we will share that information with you.

We wish our P7s all the very best in their new schools! They will be awesome!

We also want to reassure you that the bairns are at the centre of all our thinking and we will plan our return very carefully.

This was how we ended Summer Term 2019. I wonder what we will come up with for 2021!

School Inspection Report

We are delighted that our school inspection report has been published. we are very proud of our school community.

The main strengths and areas for development are highlighted in the letter below.

04 Shetland Islands – Dunrossness Primary School and Nursery Class – 6100627 – Publication – Final version Letter

The full report can be found here:

Full Inspection Reports

Thank you all for your continued support and commitment to our school community.


South Mainland Virtual Sports Day

I hope you are all getting excited about our annual sports day? Please click on the GREEN – South Mainland Virtual Sports Day. There is nothing to stop us from enjoying this annual event. We can do this. The  focus will be on FUN and involving as many of the FAMILY as possible.

All we need is:-

1 A fine day  (picked by the children)                                                                        2 An organiser (children’s responsibility);                                                          3  Equipment (children’s responsibility);                                                              4  Picnic Food (children’s responsibility)                                                                5 Music (picked and set up by the children)

The Powerpoint Presentation in GREEN above, shows your children how to host their own sports day so that you, the adults, can sit back and watch them and RELAX. After they have finished their 10 selected events, the children then prepare a PICNIC for you and them to ENJOY whilst relaxing music is playing in the back ground. It’s not finished yet, then children organise an obstacle course for anybody to join in safely. Adapt the course for different ages and abilites and strengths. Last of all, the children CREATE their own race / event and adapt it so everyone can join in, adapting it where necessary.

There will be a certificate for all who took part including family. There will be certificates for the funniest  photos, happiest group, best obstacle course, best event created and BEST PICNIC. Please send to me on gw08smithjoan@glow.shetland.sch.uk

Guess who has to tidy up? Yes you are right, the children have to tidy up the equipment and the picnic. There is one last important part to be done:-

Fill in the SCORE SHEET and the REFLECTION SHEET in your child’s Class Notebook in the HWB pupil section in TEAMS.

I am looking forward to seeing and hearing all about the sports days that took place and the memories created.

Thank you for reading this, Mrs Joan Smith PE Teacher

'Living, Laughing, Learning!'

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