Dear Parents and Carers,
It is hard to believe that there are only 3 more weeks of term left- time is whizzing by and there is so much to fit in. Children ( are staff) are getting tired and as a consequence getting tetchy with each other and less able to concentrate. Please do all you can at home to enable children to get enough rest and sleep ( must be tricky with the Simmer Dim) to be able to enjoy these last few weeks.
Sports Day: We plan to do this on the morning of 21st June 9.30-11.30- weather permitting. We do have a back up date of morning of 28th June just in case. We will try to make any decision to cancel the night before and let you know- but I am learning that the weather on Shetland is hard to predict! I hope you might be able to join the children on the Boddam Playing Field field as they participate in a variety of active sport team games and competitive races. Thanks to the parents/ carers who have volunteered to keep score and support children as they move from one activity to the next.
Health and Wellbeing: We continue to use the resource, Jigsaw, in all classes to teach aspects of health and wellbeing. This term we will be working pieces 5 and 6, Relationships and Changing Me. I have attached the course descriptors for you. If you would like to discuss this or come in and look at the resources used, please contact me at school. The lessons on Changing Me will be starting on Friday for all the P5, P6 and P7 who will be taught in their year groups.
It is important that children receive consistent and accurate messages regarding relationships, sexual health and parenthood education. Effective education can empower children that their bodies are their own and how to keep themselves safe and healthy.
To find out more please click the link below.
Sex Education in Scottish Schools. A Guide for Parents and Carers.
Paper copies can be requested from the school office.
Illness: We have continued to experience illness in both children and staff, some linked to Covid and some to other throat/ chest infections. Maintaining staffing levels has been a bit of a challenge but thanks to an amazing team including some regular supply teachers we have managed to maintain a safe and nurturing environment for our children. Mrs Inkster remains unwell, so our thoughts and best wishes go out to her for a speedy recovery. Mrs Wells and Mrs Wishart have been doing a great job of looking after her class along with myself and Mrs Leslie.
P6/7 Enterprise afternoon. The young entrepreneurs were very successful with their enterprise project, raising a whooping amount. £216 will go to charities of their choice and the rest to be spent on a fun afternoon to send off the P7s in style. This fun afternoon will take place on Monday 20th June . An inflatable obstacle course and lazer quest game along with hot dogs and refreshments have been organised for them. What a great way to end the term and to say good bye to our P7s.
This year, as we have not been able to organise residential trips away due to the late lifting of all restrictions and staff absence, the P7 were given each a hoodie and 3 John Muir days were organised for them over the year. Although not the same as an away trip, which we hope to be able to do again next year, we have worked hard to make sure that the P7s have had some memorable experiences.
P1 New Entrants parents meeting This meeting has now been schedule for Wed 22nd June at 6pm.
Toys in school: A gentle reminder that children should not be bringing in toys from home- unless specifically for comfort or a specific class project, in which case please talk to your class teacher or Mrs Leslie about this. We are concerned about aspects of hygiene when children play with and share these toys with their playmates and also throwing around the playground. The school is well equipped with many resources for children to use throughout the day so there is no need for further items to be brought in from home. Thank you for your support with this.
NOOSC: We will send out further details about after school club as soon as we can before the end of term to enable parents to book regular session. Parents will still be able to book ad hoc sessions if there are spaces left which I expect there to be, but for this service to be sustainable its needs regular bookings to cover the cost of staffing it. Central services will be monitoring how the service is used to ensure that it is cost effective so please support it.
Stay and play sessions for new starters in Nursery: Parents and children due to start in Nursery in the new session are invited to visit the nursery between 2.30 and 3.30pm on Wed 15th June, Mon 20th June, Thurs 30th June.
Upcoming dates:
14th June Ante-preschoolers open morning in nursery
21st June: Sports Afternoon
21st June Nursery Preschool trip on the bus- 9.15 to 10.15
23rd June: JRSO presentation in the Town Hall
23rd and 24th June P7 transition days to Anderson high School
24th June Nursery Sports morning
28th June Nursery Graduation open morning for those moving up to P1
30th June: 2pm: Leavers Assembly – P7 parents/carers only
As other dates are confirmed I will update you here.
Best wishes,
Gina Finch