Newsletter 6.6.22

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back after another long weekend for which the weather stayed perfect.  I hope you all could make the most of the sunshine and the many Jubilee and other social events going on.   Children from P6/7 class went along to the Bigton afternoon teas to sell more of their enterprise products and did very well- not only with interacting  politely with the community but also  raising over £100. Well done to our young entrepreneurs.

Cinderella: Thank you for your support in reviving the costumes for this production so we could film the effort children have made to learn all the songs and lines for what was to be a live production at Christmas but was one of the casualties of Covid.  We hope to share copies of the production by the end of term.

Sports Day: We plan to do this on the morning of 21st June 9.30-11.30 .  I hope you might be able to join the children on the Boddam Football field as they participate in a variety of  active sport team games and competitive races. We could really do with some parent volunteers to keep score and support children as they move from one activity to the next. Please email the school if you can help.

Health and Wellbeing: We continue to use    the resource, Jigsaw, in all classes to teach aspects of health and wellbeing.  This term we will be working pieces 5 and 6, Relationships and Changing Me.  I have attached( sent out via email)18.4.19 Jigsaw attachment the course descriptors for you.  If you would like to discuss this or come in and look at the resources used, please contact me at school.  The lessons on Changing Me will be starting  on Friday for all the P5, P6 and P7 who will be taught in their year groups.

It is important that children receive consistent and accurate messages regarding relationships, sexual health and parenthood education.  Effective education can empower children that their bodies are their own and how to keep themselves safe and healthy.

To find out more please click the link below.

Sex Education in Scottish Schools. A Guide for Parents and Carers.

Paper copies can be requested from the school office.

P1 New Entrants parents meeting   has to be postponed again as Ms Inkster is not well enough to return to school this week.  The  meeting has now been schedule for Wed 22nd June at 6pm.  I do apologies for the constant change to this and hope you will be able to attend this new date.

Enterprise Afternoon.  What a very successful afternoon was organised by our P6/7 with just a little help from Ms Scalan.  The variety  and quality of items on sale was astonishing.  I think the class have developed useful team working, collaborative and negotiating skills as well as an  understanding of profit and loss.

NOOSC:  WE are pleased to report that the process for recruiting a play practitioner to run the after school club is almost complete, and we now have a  start date for the beginning of the August term.  This means that the after school club will  be open to all school age children from 3pm to 5.30pm Monday to Friday starting on 16th Aug.  We plan to offer come inset days clubs and holiday clubs once the practitioner is in post.  We are still looking at how we can offer before school provision as we do still need a SSSC registered practitioner to run this and at the moment the contract advertised for NOOSC only covers after school club. However we hope that we might be able to offer some kind of before school provision in the future.  We will send out further details about after school club as soon as we can.

Little Librarians:  We now have a very enthusiastic group of 15 children who want to look after and develop the school library as well as promote the joy of reading throughout the school.  This group met with Zuzanna O’ Rouke who is the librarian from Sandwick School, last week, and she will be supporting the group as their develop their ideas to make the library a must visit space.

Transition afternoon for all children moving classes will be this Wednesday 8th June.

Parent council have been working with the children in school to look at the uniform that they might like to wear.  They have been involved in choosing a new logo for the badge  which turned out to be a puffin and then designing a new badge with the puffin.  Although school uniform is not compulsory, wearing  it does give a sense of belonging and saves a lot of effort deciding what to wear each day. Parent council will let you know when the new designs are available.

Sun cream:  Just a reminder that although it often does not  feel very warm there is a lot of strength in the sun so please do apply sun cream to your child’s exposed skin before coming to school.  Also remind them to bring their water bottle which they can access though out the day.

Upcoming dates:

8th 9th June  P7 Transition days to Sandwick

8th June Second transition afternoon for all classes in school

14th June Ante-preschoolers open morning in nursery

21st June: Sports Afternoon

23rd June: JRSO presentation in the Town Hall

23rd and 24th June P7 transition days to Anderson high School

24th June Nursery Sports morning

28th June Nursery Graduation open morning  for those moving up to P1

30th June:  2pm:   Leavers Assembly – P7  parents/carers only


As other dates are confirmed I will update you here.


Best wishes,

Gina Finch


Gulberwick Hall


Monday 25th –Saturday 30th July

Mon—Friday 10am till 4pm

Performances Saturday at 2pm and 7pm

Please bring packed lunches, tuck shop available.

£55 for the week (sibling discount available at £30)


Please book via email

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