Tag Archives: personal empowerment

The Eagle Huntress

Today the primary 5-7 got to go to Mid Yell to watch the documentary film ‘The Eagle Huntress’

Here is a summary we have written about the documentary:

The Eagle Huntress was about a 13 year old Mongolian girl called Aisholpan who was determined to learn how to be an eagle hunter just like her dad, her grandfather and so on. However eagle hunting is only done by men. You see people in her culture think that girls should be at home cooking and boys should be the ones out working. Aisholpan was sure she was going to be successful though. She knew if she trained she would get better, which she did. She entered the Eagle festival – being the first ever female to enter which the elders didn’t approve of. Aishlop was courageous and even when people were laughing at her during the festival she just smiled and carried on. She managed to break the record and became the first person to be within 5 seconds of calling for her eagle. Everyone was amazed and she did come out as the winner which proved a lot of people wrong. This documentary truly expresses the fact that you don’t have to be a man to do a ‘mans job’. You can do anything you put your mind to it!

This links to what we have been learning about growth mindset as there were times where Aisholpan could have given up but she didn’t she kept trying, she believed in herself and accomplished what she set out to do!

There were mixed responses about the film, some thought it was good:

  • I liked how detailed it was and it mentioned the eagle festival which was interesting.
  •  I liked how the girl believed that anyone can be anything
  • I liked learning about the eagle festival and the traditional stuff

Some thought it was ok:

  • I would rate this 3  stars because it was a bit long so could have been shorter on the other hand though they did add in a lot of detail.

A couple didn’t really like it.

  • There were subtitles so it was more like a reading book
  • The subtitles were difficult to see either because of peoples heads were in the way, the writing got lost in the background or they went before you got to finish reading the line

We also thought about how they could change aspects of the documentary to improve it:

  • The film could be improved by changing the colour and speed of the subtitles so they are easier to read and see them.
  • It could also be shorter to keep the audiences interested
  • I would change the ending by showing us when Aisholpan and her dad got home, it would have been nice to see her families reaction