P5-7 Numeracy – Term 3

This term in maths we are learning about addition and subtraction and we’re going to be learning more about multiplication and division.
So far we’ve learnt about addition and subtraction. We started with chimney sums and then we have been learning to add and subtract mentally by figuring out new strategies. We think we’ve gotten better at adding and subtracting.
We have also started some new times tables games at the start of our numeracy lessons. We play Pacman, Around the World, Countdown and Fuzz Buzz. We’re also going to start a game called Number Crunch.

By Abbie and Poppy

Wilma Retiring

Last term Wilma retired. Wilma was our longest member of staff we have ever had. She was here for 16 years but luckily she is still coming in to help out from time to time. Throughout her 16 years of working here she has helped us to read and write, sing and dance and knit. Wilma has taught most of Yell how to knit as she is the knitting master. Wilma is in all our dream teams (ideal staff) and she still will be even though she’s stopped working with us.
Here are some comments from the pupils…

  • Wilma helps us when we are stuck.
  • Wilma is helpful.
  • Wilma is a legend!

For Wilma leaving we made up a song to sing and we made up a book of memories. We all thought of a time we liked/remembered with Wilma and told her these on her last day. It was an emotional day for everyone as we are sad to see Wilma go. (She knows where everything is in the school so the teachers might be a little lost without her)

Here are the song lyrics we made for her, it is to the tune of ‘If your happy and you know it’

Wilma thank you for everything you’ve done

You’ve worked hard and made learning fun

You’ve knitted, baked and dug to give us the learning bug

We will miss you dream team Wilma – No. 1


There is nobody else quite like you

Our graduation books – you’ve made a few

Coffee mornings, concerts, shows

The garden – barrows, spades and hoes

We’ve been hard work but you’ve pulled through


There was class moves and motor group for skills

There was earthquake days and treks over the hills

Memories over the years

Now we hope they’re happy tears

As you remember all the laughs and funs and thrills


We have learned to stay calm and have fun

We know to stay the course until the work is done

From all the boys and lasses we will miss ‘Where’s my glasses?’

All the best dream team Wilma No.1


From the best school in the world Cullivoe

Wilma this is your last and final show

Come on up and take a bow and we will tell you how

Much we love you and we’ll miss you when you go.

 By Jasmine P6


Collaboration with a French class

We skyped a French school on Friday the eighteenth of January. We were saying our names and our ages. They said their name and age in English and we said our names and age in French. We will be skyping the French school again soon to play a game.

We have learnt the body parts in French and they have learnt the body parts in English to play a game of Guess Who with monsters. We have picked three monsters and they are going to guess the monsters that we have picked, asking us questions in English. They will pick three monsters and we will try to guess it in French.

We all enjoyed skyping the French school, it was fun an it was cool to see/speak with others in a different country!

By Bethany P6