Tag Archives: challenge and enjoyment

House Points Challenge

Today Miss Nicholson and Miss Jamieson set us a challenge.

Each group had a pile of papers which had the bones that make up our body…we had to put these bones in the right place to make our skeleton.

Everyone worked really well and there was great discussion as to where we thought the bones would go. Once we thought we were finished we got the teachers to check it for us. We all did a great job with only a few mistakes with arm/leg bones. We then cut out the bones so that we could use split pins to put our skeletons together. Once he was complete we named it! (We tried to think of one linked to our group names)

Then Miss Nicholson and Miss Jamieson threw another challenge at us….This time we had to put the organs where we thought they went. This was a challenge, some groups only just started cutting out their organs but Sir Swagsolot Junior was the only one to have his organs placed in his chest/stomach. They got nearly every one in the correct place or very close if not. There are a few organs that we weren’t sure on so we are going to be learning about these in topic!

Photos to follow

Primary 5-7 Debate Gender Stereotypes

We took part in a debate about gender stereotypes, based on three questions:

  1. Should some toys be just for girls or boys?
  2. Should women be allowed to compete in the same sports as men?
  3. Should the Cullivoe Up Helly Aa have a female Guizer Jarl?

We were randomly divided into groups to argue each side, with many of us arguing points which we didn’t personally believe in.  This was really tricky!

– Primary 5-7

Climate Change

This term we have been learning about climate change.  We have been looking at how climate change has affected people in different parts of the world.  We made up our own news channels and each had a role to play – these were presenter, reporter, scientist and local person.  We will upload our videos to show you, we hope you enjoy our news reports!

Primary 4-7


Thank you Mr Spence

As you are probably all aware we have been very lucky to have Mr Spence working with us for the last 5 weeks as part of his PDGE course. His focus was with second level but he has enjoyed being involved with the whole school. He has been involved in the planning and delivering of numeracy and literacy lessons as well as taking a lead role in teaching primary 4-7 about climate change. We have really enjoyed having him with us and can’t believe how fast these last 5 weeks have gone. We are sad to see him go. We wish him all the very best in his next teaching placement and in his future teaching career! Thank you very much for everything you have done Mr Spence!