Tag Archives: article 12

Welcome Back!

A huge welcome back to everyone today. It has been lovely to hear everyone’s news from the summer and to see how much they have all grown! Dean is very nearly the same height as Miss Jamieson!!

We have had a very busy day creating our class charter. First we went over our rights and why we have them before splitting into groups and reading through the 42 articles and highlighting all the ones we think were appropriate for school. We then fed back to the class before returning into our groups to select what we thought were the 4 most important articles for our class charter. We had 24 to choose from so we held a vote to narrow this down. There was some great discussion and some arguments for and against why we should or shouldn’t have them. We ended up with 5 articles for our class charter as we thought they were all important.

Our next step was to design our class charter! We all had the chance to design our own class charter before taking a vote on which one we thought would like to make. Everyone thought really hard about how they could add the article, right and responsibility into their design. I think you will agree there were some fantastic designs to choose from.

We all had 3 pom poms which we then placed on our ‘top’ 3 choices. Everyone got to vote, even the staff! The winning design was Jasmine’s island.

After dinner primary 7 decided on what needed to be done and split us all into groups so that we all had a job to do. We had one group measuring the wall to see how big the charter had to be, decide on what the responsibilities were, people making the sand, the tree trunks, the palm trees, the sun, the buckets, the heading, etc. It was a very busy and productive afternoon! We all worked really well and helped each other. We are very close to finishing so hopefully by tomorrow we can share a photo of the finished display!



Whole School Discussion

Before lunch we had a whole school discussion, the first discussion was about the attainment gap. Jessica explained to everyone what the attainment gap is and asked everyone’s opinions on why they think there is this gap. Everyone had a chance to give their thoughts on this topic and Jessica noted these down for the teachers to have a look at to see if there is anything that can be done.

The second discussion was why our school is different to other schools – we had a great discussion on this one, here is some of our points:

  • some schools aren’t as colourful as our one
  • some schools have different playgrounds for different classes whereas we can play anywhere in our playground
  • we all gather together in the morning to say good morning to everyone in different languages and share our news (local, national, international and personal) We also gather together at other parts of the day like after break and lunch and at the end of the day when we all say good afternoon to each other.
  • we don’t have separate classes with different teachers for each primary – it is split primary 1-4 and 5-7. This gives us the chance to build friendships and have discussions with different people.
  • we can walk into the other classroom to get a pencil or glue sticks for example as we do this quietly without disrupting the class whereas other schools you have to knock, interrupt that lesson and talk to the teacher
  • we don’t have assigned seats – we can sit anywhere
  • when it is someone’s birthday they get to wear the birthday hat all day and we sing Happy Birthday to them in 11 different languages! (English with sign language, French, German, Italian, Croatian, Gaelic, Spanish, Chinese, Welsh, Dutch and Lithuanian)
  • the teachers here are in our community so we see them more and you feel you know them better
  • teachers here don’t shout in our school whereas in other schools they do
  • our teachers listen to what you have to say
  • our teachers are friendly

We are the best school in the world!


Preparing for the Yell Show

On Monday 29th of August we decided we would make a cake to enter into the Yell show. We had to decide what to make and decided on a sheep cakeas it is an agricultural show. Then on Thursday the 1st of September we baked the best cake anyone has ever seen! The whole school baked with Miss Nicholson and Miss Jamieson.  We worked as a team and got into groups to make a different part of the cake. There was a team making the icing, a team making the big cake and 4 groups making fairy cakes (this was for the sheep). Ruby, Abbie and Jasmine designed how the cake would look thinking about the icing, the fencing and where the sheep would go. At golden time on Friday we decorated the cake – icing the big slab of cake to make it look like a park, we used curlywurlys and chocolate fingers to make a fence then decorated the individual fairy cakes to make them look like sheep by using mini marshmallows. Kane made one cake look like a dog. Miss Nicholson had bouht edible flowers so we used these to decorate the cake and used chocolate chips to make it look like sheep pirls.