Category Archives: Topic

P4-7 Topic

This term we have been looking at the topic ‘Changes’. We have learned about climate change and changes in the body.

We have learned about drugs and the effect of this on the body as these can change the people who use them in all kinds of ways: they can make you happy, angry, upset, sad, scared, excited, tired or paranoid. They can stop your body working if they are taken too much or for too long, especially the brain, lungs and liver. We looked at what legal and illegal drugs are and that drugs are harmful if they are used inappropriately, incorrectly or excessively. Here is what we have learned:

A drug is any substance which causes a change in the way the body, or part of the body work.

Illegal drugs are drugs that are against the law to carry, take or sell. Some are illegal because they can be really harmful or be addictive. They are sorted into different classes: Class A drugs are things like heroin and cocaine – these are the worst drugs and most harmful, there are class B and Class C drugs too.

Legal drugs are drugs that are prescribed to you by a doctor or bought over the counter which help you and your body, we call these medicines, or they have an age limit on them, like alcohol and tobacco products.  Coffee, tea, coca-cola, energy drinks and chocolate all contain caffeine which is also a legal drug. Caffeine is a mild stimulant which can make us feel more awake, but if we take too much it can make us irritable and give us headaches. The drug in tobacco is called nicotine which is addictive – we are going to learn more about smoking next week when the health visitor comes in to talk to us.

Alcohol can also be addictive and affects your body as it changes the way you think and feel. Addiction is when something becomes a habit and is hard to break. Some people feel they need these ‘drugs’ to help them as they are dependent on them and can feel sick if they don’t have them. There are lots of different organisations that can help people with addiction. The AA (alcoholics anonymous) is one for people who are affected by alcohol, it might be the person themselves or their families. It gives them a chance to share their experiences and see/speak with others, they try to support each other to recover.

It is illegal to sell alcohol or tobacco to anyone under the age of 18! The government recommends that pregnant women do not drink as this could harm the baby.

Alcohol relaxes you and reduces tension but it does lead to poor concentration, slow reflexes/reaction time, reduces coordination, slurs you speech, makes you sleepy, affects your emotions/vision, make you sick or pass out.

Primary 4 and 5 created posters on the short term and long term effects that alcohol have on your body.

Short term risks usually linked to drunkenness are head injuries, fractures, facial injuries and scarring. They can also include alcohol poising.

Long term risks can include: liver damage, stomach ulcers, increased blood pressure which can cause heart disease/heart attacks or strokes, male sperm production decreases and it disrupts normal brain development.

Thank you Mr Spence

As you are probably all aware we have been very lucky to have Mr Spence working with us for the last 5 weeks as part of his PDGE course. His focus was with second level but he has enjoyed being involved with the whole school. He has been involved in the planning and delivering of numeracy and literacy lessons as well as taking a lead role in teaching primary 4-7 about climate change. We have really enjoyed having him with us and can’t believe how fast these last 5 weeks have gone. We are sad to see him go. We wish him all the very best in his next teaching placement and in his future teaching career! Thank you very much for everything you have done Mr Spence!


Cullivoe Owls Enterprise 2016

This year for the Cullivoe School Enterprise Primary  5-7 split into two groups, I am part of the Cullivoe Owls, one of the two groups, for our logo we had an owl with a line of cards that says Cullivoe Owls.


It was my design, we all made a few logo’s each and then we did a vote me and Sabienne were picked so we had another mini vote and I won.  The reason the logo has a line of cards is because we are making plaited coloured twine with glittery pegs so you can hang Christmas cards on them.

The sale day is on the 8th of December at 9:30 to 11:00 at Cullivoe School, we hope you can come along and buy one!

Da Elves and Da Lantern Makkers


Primary 5-7 have split into two groups and created Enterprise teams for their topic this term.
Here is Ruby Lawson to tell you all about her Enterprise team!

My Enterprise is called Da Elves and Da Lantern Makkers. We have been making lanterns out of tins and jars. Here is a picture of some of our finished products.

img_5026The first thing we had to do was come up with a name and a logo. We decided a team vote was the fairest way to do it. In the end we went with Beth’s logo:


To make our products we have had to fill old tins with water and put them in the freezer overnight. Having the ice made the tins easier to hammer holes into. This makes the light shine through the tins. For the jars we covered in Epsom salts for a snowy effect and then put twine and decorations on the top. Here are some pictures of us during our production:

Come along to our Enterprise Sale on Thursday 8th December 2016 from 9:30 – 11.00! They make the perfect Christmas present!