Category Archives: School

P7 Transition

Today the primary 7s from Burravoe and Mid Yell came up to Cullivoe for our first transition day. First we got put into groups and we had the chance to get to know each other. We had to think of a group name and a chant. After break we had to complete a ‘who’s who’ activity and match up pictures of all the Mid Yell staff with their name and job title. We then learned more about Yammer and how we can use this to communicae throughout this project. The main reason for today was to start off our project which is organising a trip for our class. In our groups we have to work out where we want to go, how much it will cost, what we are doing, where we will stay, food and how we will get there. We have all come up with a rough idea and are really excited to discuss this more and plan it. We all had a fantastic day and worked really well together. We are looking forward to our next transition day in Mid Yell in the few weeks.

Primary 7

Virtual Walk

This term we have started the daily mile again. Primary 1-3 complete half a mile and primary 4-7 complete a full mile. We can walk, run, cycle, skooter or roller blade. We have signed up to an online virtual walk on a website called World Walking, this is where you add in the number of miles you all complete and virtually walk around various parts of the world. We have chosen to walk the length of Canada. You can see our progress through the link below.

Term 4

Welcome back everyone! We are looking forward to a busy term! We are going to be writing stories in literacy, learning about  measurement and fractions in numeracy and our topic this term is religion so we will be looking at Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. Ying will also be back to teach us more Mandarin. We have also started our daily mile again this term.

Cullivoe School Coffee Morning

This morning we held a coffee morning raising money for Red Nose Day and school funds. We made bacon rolls and fruit kebabs to give to people and sold red noses, lots of people came to support our coffee morning and we had a few take outs too. 🙂

Dylan and Ben counted up our total: the coffee morning raised  £195.35 and selling the red noses raised £44 so we raised £239.39 in one morning!

A huge thank you to everyone that came and supported us or got a take out. We really appreciate your support.






Red Nose Day

We have all got our red noses on for Red Nose Day! We also decided to dress in red which was easy for us as our school uniform is red! We are busy getting ready for our coffee morning just now.

James has set us a challenge of keeping on our noses all day without taking them off. We agreed that you could take them off when eating or drinking but he thinks he will manage to keep his on during snack and lunch. Wish us luck!


First school in Shetland to get their RRS Level 2 Award!!

We would like to share with you the fact that we are the first school in Shetland to gain our Rights Respecting School Level 2 Award!!! Over the last year we have been working very hard towards this award. We were assessed on Friday the 10th of March, Frances Bestley and Gerry McMurtrie skyped us so that we, the Rights Respecting steering group, could talk them through our displays and other work that we have been doing. We also showed them our Rights Respecting School folders and talked them through everything in this. We discussed our rights and some of the articles we knew. They also spoke to Mrs Lawson (head teacher) and Louise Tulloch (parent) Once our assessment was finished we had to wait a whole week to find out whether or not we passed so that Jerry and Francis could discuss everything they saw/heard with a committee and come to a decision on whether we had done enough work to be awarded our level 2 award. Last Friday just before we went to leave for the weekend Mrs Lawson came in to share the news that we achieved our level 2 award! There was great excitement and we are absolutely delighted that we have achieved this award! We will be sharing this report soon.

By Tali, Ben and Ruby

Whole School Discussion

Before lunch we had a whole school discussion, the first discussion was about the attainment gap. Jessica explained to everyone what the attainment gap is and asked everyone’s opinions on why they think there is this gap. Everyone had a chance to give their thoughts on this topic and Jessica noted these down for the teachers to have a look at to see if there is anything that can be done.

The second discussion was why our school is different to other schools – we had a great discussion on this one, here is some of our points:

  • some schools aren’t as colourful as our one
  • some schools have different playgrounds for different classes whereas we can play anywhere in our playground
  • we all gather together in the morning to say good morning to everyone in different languages and share our news (local, national, international and personal) We also gather together at other parts of the day like after break and lunch and at the end of the day when we all say good afternoon to each other.
  • we don’t have separate classes with different teachers for each primary – it is split primary 1-4 and 5-7. This gives us the chance to build friendships and have discussions with different people.
  • we can walk into the other classroom to get a pencil or glue sticks for example as we do this quietly without disrupting the class whereas other schools you have to knock, interrupt that lesson and talk to the teacher
  • we don’t have assigned seats – we can sit anywhere
  • when it is someone’s birthday they get to wear the birthday hat all day and we sing Happy Birthday to them in 11 different languages! (English with sign language, French, German, Italian, Croatian, Gaelic, Spanish, Chinese, Welsh, Dutch and Lithuanian)
  • the teachers here are in our community so we see them more and you feel you know them better
  • teachers here don’t shout in our school whereas in other schools they do
  • our teachers listen to what you have to say
  • our teachers are friendly

We are the best school in the world!