First school in Shetland to get their RRS Level 2 Award!!

We would like to share with you the fact that we are the first school in Shetland to gain our Rights Respecting School Level 2 Award!!! Over the last year we have been working very hard towards this award. We were assessed on Friday the 10th of March, Frances Bestley and Gerry McMurtrie skyped us so that we, the Rights Respecting steering group, could talk them through our displays and other work that we have been doing. We also showed them our Rights Respecting School folders and talked them through everything in this. We discussed our rights and some of the articles we knew. They also spoke to Mrs Lawson (head teacher) and Louise Tulloch (parent) Once our assessment was finished we had to wait a whole week to find out whether or not we passed so that Jerry and Francis could discuss everything they saw/heard with a committee and come to a decision on whether we had done enough work to be awarded our level 2 award. Last Friday just before we went to leave for the weekend Mrs Lawson came in to share the news that we achieved our level 2 award! There was great excitement and we are absolutely delighted that we have achieved this award! We will be sharing this report soon.

By Tali, Ben and Ruby