Educational Psychologist Professional Learning Offer for all Education Staff:

EPS Offer 1: Core  themes for training offers to clusters from cluster EP(s)

Title Description/ aims/ learning outcomes Target Group



Co-ord EPs

Five core roles of Support for Learning Teachers

Participants  will  be  able  to summarise the  five  roles and be  familiar  with the factors  that  are  important in  considering options for  delivering  and  monitoring these roles  in their  own  school  context. This will include examples of how the five roles can be used to foster inclusive approaches with colleagues and partners to build capacity.

This training is informed by the five roles promoted nationally by Education Scotland and used as the starting point for evaluation of impact and outcomes for SfLTs.

SfLTs in primary  or  secondary establishments in a cluster.

The initial training session may also be of  interest to school  managers and staff interested in applying for a SfLT role.

1.5  hour  initial session with  post-sessional  task to self-evaluate  delivery  of five roles  in own practice  context in order  to  identify possible ways  to  extend impact.

Optional offer  for  follow up session

Roger Barrow & Tim Glockling
Emotionally  based  school  avoidance

Attendance, This workshop considers the ways in which complex non-attendance can be understood.  It begins with theoretical explanations of the factors involved with particular  reference to  anxiety and  neuro diversity.

It progresses to consider practical approaches to managing the issue, including the importance of multi-professional working.

The workshop draws upon Included, Engaged and Involved, Part 1 as well as psychological and theoretical accounts and aligns with SBC’s revised Attendance Policy.

Any staff with specific responsibilities for responding to attendance issues:  including Pastoral Teachers, SMT and teachers.

Max 12 in number

Initial session – twilight 1 hr 30 mins

–          30.1.23

Follow-up session:

twilight 1 hr 30 mins


Christie Brown, Laura Cassidy and Gillian Gibson
ANA programme This  session EPS  will  be  supporting a pilot initiative in Tweeddale (and also Earlston) to  develop programmes of  support  suitable  for ANAs. This will  involve  scoping  out  requirements  and developing programmes suitable  for  clusters which  can  incorporate core  competencies as  well as cluster  specific needs.  This  initiative will  be  collaborative  and  multi-agency with  other  local  partners including Cluster  Heads.  Over time it  is  anticipated that this programme  will  be developed across all  clusters. ANAs  employed to  support  young  people  in mainstream settings As  agreed  in  pilot  clusters but  will be  provided on  standard  inservice  days. Ian Sargison with Michelle Bradley
Trauma & wellbeing informed practice for schools  This training is available   and  is  developed from material developed under the auspices of Education  Scotland linked Connected Compassionate Communities programme and NHS  materials.  More and more  in  our  schools CYP are evidencing distressed  behaviour and  this  programme  is  designed  to  complement the  general  emphasis  on relationship  based  approaches including Nurture being  developed at  a universal  level across  the  EA.  A programme  offer  is  being developed through  the HWB  group and  this  training  will take account of  this. RQTs and other  groups  by  request. Single 1.5 hour  session  on date tba and by  separate  negotiation. Ian Sargison, Laura Cassidy and Christie Brown (linking  also to Health & Wellbeing Group)


EPS Offer 2: Supplement themes for training offers to clusters from cluster EP(s)

Title Description/ aims/ learning outcomes Target Group



Co-ord EPs


Supporting Learners with Literacy Difficulties & Dyslexia

This material has been designed to complement the Dyslexia Scotland online module 1 and support its application to practice.

Following this training participants will have a greater understanding of:

´  what dyslexia is and how it affects learners

´  how dyslexia should be assessed and supported in SBC schools

´  what their own role is in assessing and teaching learners with literacy difficulties/dyslexia

´  some recommended classroom support strategies and literacy interventions, and

´  where to get further information and support

Primary and Secondary Teaching Staff and PSAs

1 to 3 hours as agreed between school and cluster EPs

Content can be adapted according to identified CLPL needs of your school

Michelle Bradley


Tim Glockling

IEPs and Goal  Attainment  Scaling (GAS) for  individual  pupils


Following this training participants will have a greater understanding of:

´  the delivery of targeted  interventions through  robust IEPs

´  what GAS can offer to support measurement of impact from targeted  interventions with  particular  reference to wellbeing targets.

´  What GAS  can  offer  to  promoting through supporting  collaborative approaches  to  target  setting  to improving positive outcomes

´  How advice and recommendations   from professionals such as AHPs may be included in IEP level plans and  strategies.

Support for Learning Teachers

This training will be available centrally but will also be available to clusters.  The training has an operational focus but may also be of interest to managers and other  staff.

1.5 hour initial session with inter-sessional reading and development task to develop a plan. This  session  is  usually  followed by a follow up workshop to review and discuss and plans developed.  Alternative bespoke  formats may  be  considered for clusters as appropriate to context.


Roger Barrow


EPS Offer 3: Additional specialist and repeat offers available through centralised training directory from EP team

Title Description/aims/learning outcomes Target Group Time commitments Co-ordinating EPs

Connecting with Parents Motivations (CwPM)


To have increased your knowledge and skills of strength based communication approaches

• To feel confident at feeding back an observation of a child’s difficult behaviour to a parent / carer using the OARS communication process

• To feel confident at engaging and sign posting parents / carers in relation to support for parents, including PoPP groups

• To have increased knowledge of PoPP aims and PoPP delivery


Early Years Practitioners


Full day

Available on request


Gillian Gibson and Michelle Bradley in conjunction with Marjorie Hutton, EYT)

Lego Club

Introductory session explores research around Lego Therapy as an intervention to support young people with ASD to develop their social skills. Session 2 and 3 support staff to implement Lego Club within their establishment. This includes needs analysis (criteria for accessing the group), target setting, tips on running your own Lego Club and evaluation of impact.

An initial introduction to Lego Club with two follow up sessions to support attending staff to implement (session 2) Lego Clun in their setting and evaluate the impact of this (Session 3).

All staff

3x Twilights

Session 1

(26/09/23) 4-6

Gillian Gibson and Michelle Bradley
Selective Mutism

Sessions explore research around Selective Mutism and strategies that can be used to support young people in education.

Participants will have the opportunity to plan and implement strategies to support young

All staff

1x Twilight

06/09/23 4-6pm

Gillian Gibson
Pathological Demand Avoidance: A signpost for Support This session will explore how we can use the description of Pathological Demand Avoidance in literature (PDA is not yet a diagnosis) as a ‘signpost for support’. The session plans to look at strategies to support children and young people in education and work closely with parents to promote engagement in learning. All staff

1 x Twilight

19/09/23 4-6pm

Gillian Gibson

Supporting loss, grief and bereavement

These sessions will be of benefit to professionals working with children and/or young people who have experienced loss, grief and bereavement.

The sessions will cover theory and practical strategies to support children and/or young people.

All staff

1.5 hour twilight session which will be repeated on a termly basis

Dates TBC

Christie Brown

IEPs and Goal  Attainment  Scaling (GAS) for  individual  pupils

Following this training participants will have a greater understanding of:

´  the delivery of targeted  interventions through  robust IEPs

´  what GAS can offer to support measurement of impact from targeted  interventions with  particular  reference to wellbeing targets.

´  What GAS  can  offer  to  promoting through supporting  collaborative approaches  to  target  setting  to improving positive outcomes

How advice and recommendations   from professionals such as AHPs may be included in IEP level plans and  strategies.

Support for Learning Teachers

1.5 hour initial session with inter-sessional reading and development task to develop a plan. This  session  will be followed by a workshop session to review and discuss and plans developed. Roger Barrow
ASD in girls Please  see  listing under Leader Valley offer     Gillian Gibson with Donna Nicholls