


Target Group

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Evolve Training



HT / EVC / Any staff leading excursions locally, nationally, or overseas

Essential for schools to become familiar with the use of Evolve. Contact Gordon Smith to organise a session.

Duke of Edinburgh



Training framework available:

–        Outdoor First Aid

–        Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Skills Course

–        Lowland Leader Training

–        Lowland Leader Assessments

Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator or Leader staff or volunteers

Important individuals who are involved in D of E work and expeditions have the necessary training.

Contact Gordon Smith to discuss in more detail or organise a course for your team.



Training framework available:

–        Bikeability Scotland Instructor

–        Cycling UK Trail Leader Course

–        Cycling UK Expedition Module

–        Play on Pedals (ELC)

Cycling Coordinator or interested staff. Cycle Club leaders. DofE Expedition Leaders. Nursery Practitioners

Bikeability – Primary Schools.

Cycling UK courses – Secondary School leaders.

Play on Pedals – ELC leaders



Teaching Orienteering Part 1

Teaching Orienteering Part 2

Interested staff

Contact Gordon Smith if interest in undertaking these opportunities. Sessions can be arranged depending on demand.



Using Fires / Kelly Kettles in Outdoor Sessions

Interested staff

SAPOE / Education Scotland Teaching Learning Outdoors


This course will give you both an understanding about teaching outdoors and also practical tips and support for delivering outdoor learning.

Interested teaching staff


SAPOE / Education Scotland

This course is for anyone who has a role in supporting the delivery of curricular based outdoor learning.

ANA’s, CLD, volunteers.


SAPOE Outdoor Learning Cards


Aimed at P6 to S2 teachers. Series of developmental resources aimed at helping teachers use Outdoor Learning more widely in their curriculum.


Interested staff

Contact Gordon Smith if interest in undertaking these opportunities. Sessions can be arranged depending on demand.