Numeracy development




Target Group



Key Links


An introduction to Numeracy and Maths the #SBCway

Exploring the theory and approaches that underpin the new #SBCway ‘breakthrough’ Numeracy and Maths curriculum.

Teaching staff

1 hr



Contact the CLPL team to request more information and discuss availability.


Introducing the Northern Alliance learning progression.

Exploring the learning pathway that underpins on #SBCway numeracy and maths curriculum.

Teaching staff

1 hr



Contact the CLPL team to request more information and discuss availability.


Powerful Pedagogy (in Numeracy and Maths)

Exploring the powerful pedagogy that supports success in maths learning.

Teaching staff

1 hr



Contact the CLPL team to request more information and discuss availability.


Understanding assessment (in Numeracy and Maths)

Exploring the assessment tools recommended as part of the #SBCway curriculum.

Teaching staff

1 hr



Contact the CLPL team to request more information and discuss availability.

SEAL (Stages of Early Arithmetic Learning) plus


Please note this is a Scottish Borders developed content aligned to both SEAL and our own strategy.



Exploring the stages of Early Arithmetic Learning and focus on how to incorporate the strategies and assessments to support early numeracy development.

Primary and Early Years staff


Contact the CLPL team to request more information and discuss availability.







To consider how the Numicon approach can support the teaching and learning of mathematics.

All Teaching Staff

(can be arranged for a cluster delivery if required)



Contact the CLPL team to request more information and discuss availability.