PHS Quality Improvement Framework

Our Learning and Teaching Framework, devised and implemented in session 2021/22, drives our quality improvement planning. Our approach puts excellent learning at the centre as we strive to make this the reality for all members of our learning community (pupils, parents and carers, staff, and the wider community).

We know that consistently excellent teaching and the learning that results from this relies on our learning context (the environment and ethos in which we teach), our curriculum (what we teach), pedagogy (how we teach), and assessment (how we measure and share progress). We have aligned our Depute Headteacher remits with these four key areas and we use the four areas as the starting point for improvement planning to ensure continuous improvement each year in all of the areas which drive improvement in classrooms across the school.

PHS SIP 2023-2024 MS Word 

 PHS SIP 2023-2024 PDF

PHS School Improvement Report 2022-23 (SIR) PDF
PHS School Improvement Report (SIR) 2022-2023 MS WORD
PHS School Improvement Plan (SIP) 2022-2023 PDF
PHS School Improvement Report (SIR) 2021-22 PDF