Scottish Borders Council updated the authority anti-bullying policy in 2023 and this is now known as the SBC: Includes – Respectful Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy.  All SBC learning establishments have adopted this policy and in Peebles High School, it sits within our own positive behaviour and anti-bullying policies.  Learning establishments were also tasked to complete a Respectful Relationships and Anti-Bullying Establishment Statement to outline procedures and actions to be undertaken to embed the SBC policy.

Prior to the SBC policy roll out, a sub-group from the PHS Parent Council worked with young people and staff to update the PHS Respect policy (2018) and drafted the PHS Anti-Bullying Policy (2023).  This has now replaced the previous policy and we are pleased to share this with you.  Thank you for the efforts of all involved in the production of a policy which meets the needs of our school community.

Ensuring everyone at Peebles High School feels welcome, safe and happy is vitally important to us. We know that everyone is more likely to enjoy their work and succeed if they are in a community that supports and nurtures them.  To this end, please find links to policies and other relevant information on the work we do to support our young people below.

SBC Respectful Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy -Final

SBC Respectful Relationships and Anti-Bullying Summary Document V4 – final

SBC Respectful Relationships and Anti-Bully Parent-Carer Information Leaflet – Final

PHS Respectful Relationships and Anti-Bullying Learning Establishment Statement

PHS respect and anti-bullying policy updated February 2024 final

Young People’s Anti-Bullying Guide PHS final Feb 2024

If you have a bullying concern please click here – school QR code poster for young people

Managing Classroom Bullying Incidents flow chart for staff final updated Feb 2024

As part of our anti-bullying approach, the image below provides a link to our Not Alone referral form. This is a place where young people and parents/carers can report bullying so that we can provide the support that you need.


Not Alone Logo - Link to Bullyiing Reporting Form