Kevin Ryalls,  Head Teacher


Quality Improvement Responsibilities (QI – these are outlined in How Good is Our School 4/HGIOS4)

  • 1.3 Leadership of Change
  • 1.4 Leadership and Management of Staff

National Improvement Framework (NIF) Drivers and Priorities

  • 1. School Leadership
  • 2. Performance Information

Operational Responsibilities

  • Assemblies
  • Communication
  • Excursions
  • Fire Safety
  • Parent Council Link
  • School Improvement Plan (SIP)
  • Standards and Quality Report (SIR)
  • Promoting Positive Behaviour
  • Staff Collegiate Group and Working Time Agreement (WTA)
  • Line-management of 4 Depute Head Teachers (DHT)


DHT Curriculum – Alasdair Reid


Quality Improvement Responsibilities (QI – these are outlined in How Good is Our School 4/HGIOS4)

  • 2.2 Curriculum
  • 2.5 Family Learning
  • 3.3 Increasing Creativity and Employability

National Improvement Framework (NIF) Drivers and Priorities

  • 3. Parental Engagement

PHS Teaching and Learning Framework Overview

  • Curriculum

Operational Responsibilities

  • Timetable
  • Course Choices
  • Pupil Equity Fund (PEF)
  • Line-management of Principal Teachers Curriculum (PTCs) and PEF staff
  • Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)**

Head of House Responsibility

  • Meldon


DHT Learning and Teaching  – Karen Mooney


Quality Improvement Responsibilities (QI – these are outlined in How Good is Our School 4/HGIOS4)

  • 1.1 Self-evaluation for Self-improvement
  • 1.2 Leadership of Learning
  • 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment

National Improvement Framework (NIF) Drivers and Priorities

  • 2. Teacher Professionalism
  • 5. School Improvement

PHS Teaching and Learning Framework Overview

  • Pedagogy

Operational Responsibilities

  • Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL)
  • Classroom observations
  • Inset
  • Inspire
  • Line-management of Principal Teachers Curriculum (PTCs)
  • Professional Review and Development (PRD) and Professional Update (PU)
  • Pupil Voice
  • Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSA)
  • Student and Probationer Teachers

Head of House Responsibility

  • Dunrig


DHT Pupil Support – Donna Moretta

Picture of Donna Moretta, DHT Pupil Support and our Child Protection Co-ordinator
Donna Moretta, DHT Pupil Support


Quality Improvement Responsibilities (QI – these are outlined in How Good is Our School 4/HGIOS4)

  • 2.1 Safeguarding and Child Protection
  • 3.1 Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion

National Improvement Framework (NIF) Drivers and Priorities


PHS Teaching and Learning Framework Overview

  • The Learning Context

Operational Responsibilities

  • Additional Support Needs  (ASN) Act
  • Child Protection (CP)
  • Enrolments
  • Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC)
  • Line-management of Principal Teachers of Pastoral Care, Support for Learning, and Additional and Complex Needs

Head of House Responsibility

  • N/A


DHT Assessment – Jeremy Lee


Quality Improvement Responsibilities (QI – these are outlined in How Good is Our School 4/HGIOS4)

  • 3.2 Raising attainment and Achievement

National Improvement Framework (NIF) Drivers and Priorities

  • 4. Assessing Children’s Progress

PHS Teaching and Learning Framework Overview

  • Assessment

Operational Responsibilities

  • SQA Co-ordinator
  • Parents’ Evenings
  • Recognising and Celebrating Wider Achievements
  • Tracking, Monitoring and Reporting
  • Line-management of Principal Teachers Curriculum (PTCs)

Head of House Responsibility

  • Cademuir


Cluster Business Manager – Craig Gilfether


Quality Improvement Responsibilities (QI – these are outlined in How Good is Our School 4/HGIOS4)

  • 1.5 Management of Resources to Promote Equity

National Improvement Framework (NIF) Drivers and Priorities

  • N/A

PHS Teaching and Learning Framework Overview

  • N/A

Operational Responsibilities

  • Calendar
  • Daily Absence Cover
  • Financial Monitoring
  • Handbook
  • Health and Safety
  • Human Resources
  • Property Management
  • Website