Other pages:

STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION – Strategic implementation to ensure success

GROUPS – Family Partnerships – Using Showbie ‘Groups’ to support Family Partnerships

GROUPS – Digital Floor Book – Using Showbie ‘Groups’ to support use of Floor books

CLASSES – Learning Journeys – Using Showbie ‘Classes’ as a digital learning journey

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS– step by step solutions 


1) GROUPS – Family Partnerships

2) CLASSES – Learning Journeys

3) Making Learning Visible

4) *NEW for May 2023*- Showbie: Transition in Early Years

Digital Technology

Showbie in Early Years


What is it? 

Showbie is an electronic platform, originally designed for use in a classroom environment to support the sharing of learning tasks digitally.  For children working at early level, we can use Showbie to document learning using individual digital learning journals or digital floor books.  

Showbie also provides a platform to engage with families through whole class announcements, newsletters and opportunities for parents to share in learning experiences taking place in the classroom.  For parents of children working at early level, practitioners can share children’s learning in real time, which builds parental confidence and deepens their involvement in their children’s learning.

Why Showbie?

Digital technologies provide opportunities for us to design a unique learning spaces for the children.  In Early Learning & Childcare settings (ELC) and early primary settings, sharing children’s learning through blogs, e-portfolios and email are common place and can be very helpful for parents to see what their child can do in a real time experience.  The caveat to this is that programmes which support this can at times, be too restrictive, in not allowing the unexpected or special moments that children experience to be recorded.  We therefore also need to ensure that this special information is communicated swiftly through giving the child control of how to communicate his/her achievement.”

(Realising the ambition, Education Scotland and Scottish Government, 2020, p. 79)

Showbie can support the following areas of practice:

  • Attachment – Showbie provides a communication platform between home and the setting that can facilitate the sharing of experiences in real time.
  • Child’s Voice – the children can take photos of their experiences, record their voice and share videos.  
  • Children’s Rights – taking a child-led approach to documenting learning and working closely with parents recognising and valuing their contribution.
  • Digital Technology – supporting children to use Digital Technology as a tool to document learning (and others – see digital technology progression) 
  • Emerging Literacy & English– Children will develop their oral language and listening skills when posting on Showbie; playing back their voices and videos and listening for sounds; understanding that print conveys meaning; seeing words written and understanding what they mean; using the Showbie icon on the iPad to understand where this sign leads; using QR codes to access their own Showbie account.
  • Inclusion– creating a group for children whose parents are hearing impaired, for example, to allow them to have more written information when others can get it verbally.  You can personalise a group to have communication with individual parents.   
  • Independence – children can become confident in documenting their learning when using Showbie, they will understand when to ask for help when needed, teach others and come up with innovative ideas around how to use it.  
  • Observations – record children’s learning as you would do in a paper learning journeys, enhancing them with recording of child’s voice and video . 
  • Personal Plans – information about the child’s care can be passed between setting & Parents/Carers 
  • Vision Values & Aims – communicating and interweaving your Vision Values and aims into your posts.