Digital Technology – demo videos

Bitesize Videos to support Teaching & Learning in Early Years


Practitioner use of Apps

Keyboard Tips & Tricks

(Keyboard shortcuts)

Split Screen

(Allows for two apps in one window)

iBooks for Key Documents

(Saves PDF docs onto your iPad)


(A large interactive ‘noticeboard’ – can collaborate with others)

Digital Permission form – signature

(Uses mark-up on photos to sign a form)

QR codes for videos using Onedrive

(Onedrive to store videos & creating a QR code for it)

Shared Photo Albums for collaboration

(Creating a Shared Photo album for multiple practitioners to access)

Creating a Screen Recording

(Records all actions on the screen, ideal for demos for parents & staff)

EASIER PRINTING using Onedrive app & Glow

(Upload photos onto Onedrive app & then access these on your laptop)

Airdrop for instant sharing with other iPads

(Allows you to instantly send images & documents)

QR codes for videos using Microsoft Stream

(Record videos of learning/stories/ songs & create a QR code to scan)

EASIER PRINTING using a Showbie Group

(Create a group on Showbie to access from your PC & print photos)

Using iMovie for Digital Storybook

(Combine images & voiceover to make a video)


Voice memos for Audiobooks & Songs

(Voice recording app)


Book Creator

Making books on iPads


Book Creator

Using Comic Book for your books


OneDrive within Glow – sign into your Launchpad, click ‘view my files’

Microsoft Teams within Glow

Microsoft Forms within Glow – sign into your Launchpad, click ‘view my files’ and click on the 9 dots at the top left of the screen

Children’s use of Apps

Photos & Mark-up in a Nursery setting

(Digital Drawing on Photos)

Using Photobooth app in Nursery

(Extension of a mirror/various filters)

Garageband Voice-Recorder

(Record voice using different filters)

Free-form for a song board

(Notice-board app)

Facetime to connect with others

(Video-calling app)

Clips to enhance role-play

(A simple video creation app)

AR Makr to support storytelling

(Augmented Reality app – add images to the environment)

Supporting Bilingual Learners & Families

iPad features & set up

Google Translate

Microsoft Lens app



Christmas Activity ideas

(ideas can be used at other times of year)

Children use PHOTOBOOTH App

TIME-LAPSE feature on camera app

Use FACETIME to call another setting!

Use KEYNOTE to create a digital ‘book’ advent calendar

Children use AR MAKER

Children to use MARK-UP on photos app