Digital Technology

QR Codes

What are they?

QR codes are a kind of barcode that contain various types of information, like website links, online videos, phone numbers etc. 

QR codes are found everywhere from menus to tickets to advertisement signs.

To scan a QR code with your iPad, iPhone or Android, you’ll want to use the QR code lens feature of your camera.  Go to the camera app on your device, point it at the QR code & it will come up with a link that you tap on in order to access the information/media.  If this doesn’t work for you, go to your settings app, then scroll down to the camera app & ensure that the QR code scanning feature is enabled. 

How can we use them in Early Learning & Childcare?

Nurseries can use QR codes in practice for a variety of purposes in order to support teaching & learning.  Some settings display QR codes that link to pre-recorded stories & songs, others use them to link to videos of children’s previous learning but the possibilities are endless.  Children are then able to scan these QR codes to access the videos independently (without the presence of an adult) in order to listen/watch stories & songs, or to reflect on learning experiences to deepen their understanding. 

Children will need to be taught how to use these, but should be encouraged to scan these QR codes and access their learning independently.  Where possible, stories & songs should always be through interactions with adults in the setting, however if this isn’t possible, engaging with their learning independently using technology can be a very useful and powerful tool.

If your children are having difficulty in holding the iPad still and tap on the link simultaneously (this can be tricky with small hands!), encourage the children to do this in pairs so that one child holds the iPad, whilst another taps the link. 

If the camera doesn’t focus on the QR code, tap your screen where the QR code is & the camera will focus on it. 



How can I link my video to a QR code?

There are several ways in which you can do this.  Watch the videos below to see which you prefer. 

Record videos of learning/stories/songs, upload them to Onedrive, copy the link to the document, then create a QR code for children to scan.  This method uses your Glow account.

Record videos of learning/stories/songs, upload them to Microsoft Stream, copy the link to the document, then create a QR code to scan. This method uses your Glow account.