All posts by Mr Hardy

P7 visit to Belmont

P7 recently attended workshops led by the students at Belmont High School. They found out about physics, chemistry and biology. The most popular activities were using the Bunsen burners to make firework-like effects by burning different materials and using microscopes to examine different items including a fly’s leg!

P7 STEM Event at Belmont

The Primary 7s from across the Cluster enjoyed a day of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths at Belmont High School. This gave them an opoprutnity to make new friends as well as develop their understanding of a variety of STEM skills. The balloon kebabs and marble run proved to be very popular activities.


Scottish Showcase

To celebrate St Andrew’s Day we invited our families and friends to share our learning about Scottish Culture at the Scottish Showcase. This included social dancing, poetry, songs and lots of Scots Language. I particularly enjoyed finding out about the pirates especially ‘Glaikit Greeting Gary’. We hope this event will feature in the Ayrshire Post soon.