School Choir

At Girvan Primary School we are extremely proud of our ever growing choir! Learners work extremely hard to ensure we showcase performances to a high standard. We meet every week on a Wednesday at lunchtime. At rehearsals we explore different ways to sing both modern and traditional music by learning how to use our voice in different ways.

Mrs Robertson runs our choir, supported by Miss Eggo.

We fully support different areas of the community and have previously performed at Girvan Street Party, the Rotary Songs of Praise, Ainslie Manor, Hillcrest, Girvan Academy events and year-round events within the school.

Singing, and music in general, brings many health and wellbeing benefits to the children. It can develop social skills, confidence, self-esteem, self-belief and a sense of belonging.

All Primary 6s and 7s are welcome to come along at any point of the year, the more the merrier (or louder)!

In addition, there is a younger choir experience offered to Primary 4s and 5s at a Wednesday breaktime, to get them some experience with performing before they are old enough to join our official choir. Their enthusiasm is second to none!


Driving ambition through support, challenge and creativity

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