Article 3
All adults should do what is best for you. When
adults make decisions, they should think about
how their decisions will affect children.
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Friday 4th May at 9.00am in the school. Please come along. All are welcome.
Last PC minutes: Fisherton Minutes 14.3.18
Netball coaching takes place every Thursday after school. Open to P.5 – 7. The sessions are being run by Elaine Gibson and Linda Izatt.
There is a multi-sports afterschool club running each Monday until 26th March.
You are going to get 5 groups of 5 and we will give you parts of Tam O’ Shanter to act out or characters from Tam O’ Shanter to act like.
Game – What’s the time Mr Burns
Haggis, neeps and tatties time – 3 steps
Poem time – 1 step
Lassies time – girls only 1 step
Lads time – boys only 1 step
Kilt swing time – 2 steps
Highland fling time!!!! – all perform pas de bas or high cuts – best dancer is the next Mr Burns.
Activity: tim’rous beastie (like murder wink)
Activity – Burns Photo Poses
Activity – Den building.
We are going to have a picnic lunch then work in teams to make some shelters.
We have just had a lovely visit from local artist Steven Brown.
Steven answered all of our questions and told us all about his famous paintings.
We showed Steven the art work we have created based on his work.
He loved them!!!
He then very kindly gave us all a signed copy of his new colouring book 🙂
We couldn’t wait to get started on our favourite pieces
These are the questions we asked Steven …
Do you draw first and then paint? CM
Where do you get your ideas from? LO
How do you focus? AG
Why do you choose bright colours? MD
Is it easy or hard to paint the animals? MYC
How do you paint the colours so neatly? KD
How do you stay in the lines? LD
Do you work independently? HA
We are becoming terrific scientists with the help from
This week we are helping the University of Kent with and investigation about feet!!
Well done to all who were rewarded for their achievements at this weeks assembly.
Kyra received a P.1 – 3 handwriting award and Meghan got Dojo Champ this week.
Anna found out all about African animals and made a Powerpoint to show us what she had learned. She received a Certificate of Achievement for her hard work.
We love hearing about achievements outside school. Harvey got a superstar award as he has managed to move up a level in swimming. Well done.