Category Archives: P5-7 ‘THE BIG CLASS’

The World of Maths

The whole class worked together to explore the impact maths has had on the world.  Pupils were split into research groups and then shared their findings with the rest of the class.  They were given choice over how to present their findings and encouraged to ask questions at the end of the presentations.

Here are the 6 ‘umbrellas‘ of maths that the class researched:

Science     Medicine    Finance     Design    Engineering    Technology


                       Presentation pictures will be added soon


P 5-7  have had many experiences and lessons this year to try to ignite their imagination.  Through Word Aware they developed their vocabulary and during VCOP (VCOP info)  activities they explored how to add extra pizzazz to their writing.  After discussing their ideas and interests we planned activities that they would find engaging.  Their final 2016/17 writing assessment was an imaginative story.

Write an imaginative story with interesting characters, a magical setting and a plot that will entertain the reader.

– Provide suitable detailed information about a character or setting to fit the genre through description and/or dialogue.
– Write a story that has a detailed opening, middle and appropriate conclusion.
– Consistently continue the characters, setting and events of the original story with sufficient supporting detail.

They rose to the challenge and produced some very entertaining stories! Some titles include….

Trapped          The Portal         The Shy Girl          Dashes

Help!       The Book from Another World       The Darmis

A Christmas Eve Adventure        The Ungrowable Sapling

The Magical Monopoly Adventure      The Aphelion     

The Phenomenal Adventure      Pencil Case

The Fish’s True Power       The Car’s Wish      The Unicorn Island

Teenage Drama              Shred Candy Land



Good Job to this Week’s Award Winners.


Congratulations to the award winners this week who were Kyra, Elsi, Meghan, Charlie, Anna and P6 and P7s. Kyra and Anna were awarded a certificate for Handwriting , Elsi was awarded for being a great role model whilst the P6 and P7s were away at Dolphin House, Meghan was this weeks Dojo Champ. Charlie was awarded for completing his hearing aid sheet and P6 and P7 were awarded for their John Muir award and completing their stay at Dolphin House.


Well done to Jack, Matthew  and Nathan who were all awarded certificates at this week’s assembly.  Jack was recognised for doing so well in his science assessment, Matthew wrote a super imaginative story and Nathan is this week’s Dojo Champ.  Well done boys!

Drugs and Alcohol Awareness

PC Porter joined us today to help with our drugs and alcohol awareness.  We discussed legal and illegal drugs.

I know that there are medicines and some other substances that can be used in a safe way to improve health and I am becoming aware of how choices I make can affect my health and wellbeing.

I understand the effect that a range of substances including tobacco and alcohol can have on the body.

I know that popular culture, the media and peer groups as well as my own attitudes and values can influence how I feel about substance use and recognise the impact this may have on my actions.

I know that alcohol and drugs can affect people’s ability to make decisions.

I can identify the different kinds of risks associated with the use and misuse of a range of substances.

I understand the impact that misuse of substances can have on individuals, their families and friends.


Active Schools Programme for May & June 2017

Copy of Active Schools – May June 2017

Click on the link for dates or see picture below.

Wednesday 17 Multisport Afterschool Club P5-P7 3.00pm-4.00pm Football Afterschool Club P1-P3 Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Wednesday 24 Multisport A/S Club cancelled due St. Johns Tournament Football Afterschool Club P1-P3 Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday 26 P4-P7 Sports Club Multisport Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Wednesday 31 Multisport Afterschool Club P5-P7 3.00pm-4.00pm (P6&7 D.H.) Football Afterschool Club P1-P3 Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday 2 P4-P7 Sports Club Multisport Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Wednesday 7 Multisport Afterschool Club P5-P7 3.00pm-4.00pm Football Afterschool Club P1-P3 Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday 9 P4-P7 Sports Club Multisport Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Wednesday 14 Multisport Afterschool Club P5-P7 3.00pm-4.00pm Football Afterschool Club P1-P3 Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday 16 P4-P7 Sports Club Multisport Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Wednesday 21 Multisport Afterschool Club P5-P7 3.00pm-4.00pm Football Afterschool Club P1-P3 Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday 23 P4-P7 Sports Club Multisport Carrick Centre 3.15pm-4.15pm



P.5 – 7 Winners

Well done to all those whose achievements were recognised at this weeks assembly.

Christopher and Martha beat over 3,000 children and 88 schools to get to the Scottish final of the K’Nex Challenge, which will take place in June.  We are all so proud of their efforts. 🙂

An achievement award was given to Holly, for the research and effort she has put into her Award of Ambition Project.


And Christopher was the Big Class’ Dojo Champ this week.  Congrats to you all.

Assembly Awards

Congratulations to those who were awarded certificates at this week’s assembly.  Christopher and Oliver were commended for taking part in the Sky Academy and then sharing their experiences with their classmates.

Matthew and Martha won certificates for the creativity they demonstrated during their recent outdoor learning art lesson.

And Finlay won a Science Award for being a truly explosive scientist in this week’s science lessons.

Well done to you all.



Outdoor Learning Day 2

Today got artistic and messy outdoors.  We have been thinking about inherited traits, evolution and why organisms adapt and change over time.  We decide that we would ‘evolve’….hairstyles, wizards and teachers!

After scavenging to find painting tools we got started.  We had to work in teams to complete our creations then explain their evolution process to the rest of the class.

Here is what we thought and learned….