Category Archives: P5-7 ‘THE BIG CLASS’

Welcome Back!

We’re back and raring to go!

We will be trying to find the answer to some of these questions this term:

What is the world made of ?

Why is the sky blue but space is black?

Is the world a perfect sphere?

Why are there wars?

How is water made?

Why do humans and animals exist?

Who made nature and plants?

Does the land on earth move?

What inventors changed the modern world?

Why is the world spinning?

If anybody out there can help please get in touch!?!?!?!?!


Holistic Assessment – Term 4

P5-7 pulled many skills they had developed and knowledge they had gained to produce some fantastic presentations.


Worked in pairs to gather natural materials from our local beach and used the materials to create a collage. The collage was in the form of a mascot for plants. This mascot needed to have a name and the pupils had to explain why the mascot has certain features and attributes (character description). Pupils will had an opportunity to sketch a plan/design of the mascot before creating the mascot. Once they had created the mascot they continued to work together to write a poem (pupils choice – acrostic, rhyming, free verse, shape) The poem was delivered to the class by the mascot.

They used notes from previous research, activities and tests relating to this topic.

They shared the mascot and poem with the rest of the class and received peer assessment.


Learning Intentions

Convey what all living things do.

Research and present how plants reproduce.

Design and create a collage using natural materials.

Explain the reasons for my design choices.

Present information about plants though the medium of poetry.


Success Criteria

I can explain how plants reproduce.

I can explain the lifecycle of a plant.

I can combine natural materials to fulfil a design brief.

I can use my own notes from more than one source to select and organise information and to develop my ideas in order to help create my own text – a poem.

I can use relevant technical language that adds accuracy to my writing.


They had a design task….

Design Task:                                                                                                                Work in pairs to gather natural resource which will be used to create a plant mascot.   This plant mascot needs to have a name and you must write a poem for the mascot. The poem should include details of what a plant needs to grow and survive, how plants reproduce and what all living things do (MRS GREN).

Design your mascot by sketching a rough plan. Explain why you chose certain materials or for your mascot to have certain attributes.


E’s & O’s

By investigating the lifecycles of plants and animals, I can recognise the different stages of their development SCN 2-14a

I have the opportunity to choose and explore an extended range of media and technologies to create images and objects, comparing and combining them for specific tasks. EXA 2-02a

I can make notes, organise them under suitable headings and use them to understand information, develop my thinking, explore problems and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. LIT 2-15a

Having explored the elements which writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create stories, poems and plays with an interesting and appropriate structure, interesting characters and/or settings which come to life. ENG 2-31a

Award Of Ambition 2017

We are very proud of our P7’s for completing their Award of Ambition.  They all took on new challenges and made a huge effort to try new things.  We’d like you all to enjoy the presentation they made to display some of the things they did to achieve this award.  Please enjoy and share Fisherton primary’s very own version of ….

‘Castle On The Hill’


Thanks to P5 & 6 for their help with writing the lyrics and recording the song.

We hope Ed Sheeran likes our version too!

Beach School – Crafting

Today we delivered a beach school with P1-7.  This stared with a walk from the school to the local beach located in the village.  The pupils were given a scavenger list and got to work gathering the listed items. They gathered natural materials such as shells, sticks and stones.  They used the items to make beautiful crafty ornaments  to sell at our Fisherton Festival on the 26th of June.

They gathered items to take back to school and we will use these for some secret activities next week!

After we made the items we had lunch and playtime using the beach as our playground.  It was very important for the pupils to remember the safety instructions they were given.  They would all like to have more leaning experiences in our beach school setting.

What the pupils said….MTV

The ormaments we made are really pretty and I think they will be popular at Fisherton Festival. P6

I enjoyed getting the rocks for the mascosts. P4

I liked how I felt when I was walking down to the beach. P5

When we walked through the forest bit I really liked the scenery.  It reminded me of a film I watched. P4

I liked helping the wee ones make the wind chimes. It was quite hard trying to tie the wire on the shells. P5

I enjoyed sitting on the beach and picking out pebbles to use.  It was really calm and relaxing.  P6

I liked looking for the shells that already had holes in them.  When you found one you felt a sense of achievement because there wasn’t very many of them. P6

I loved finding eyecatching pebbles in the sand.  I found blood stone, copper and jasper. P6




Fidget Fun!!

Mrs H gathered in our fidget spinners 🙁 🙁 🙁


We had to take turns to spin the spinners, time how long each spin lasted and record the information.  We changed hands and the angle at which he held the spinners.  Once we had gathered the data and filled in the tables we displayed the information in a bar chart.  We swapped with another group and they had to interpret our graphs.   We had questions to answer relating to mean, mode, median, mean and range.  (click for more info on these terms)

What the pupils said:

I thought it was a good balance of fun and maths. P5

I found everything amazing and really fun. P4

At first I thought Mrs H had banned all the fidget spinners from us! P6

I thought it was a good idea to add fidget spinners into our maths. P6

I thought it was really fun because we were using toys from home for maths. P4

It was tricky when you were trying to choose the scale for the graphs. P5

I liked when a whole bunch of people got to bring in spinners and we could see what different types there was.

This is the beginning of a maths topic on information handling.      We’ll be sure to be focused right up until the end of term!

Having discussed the variety of ways and range of media used to present data, I can interpret and draw conclusions from the information displayed, recognising that the presentation may be misleading. MNU 2-20a

I have carried out investigations and surveys, devising and using a variety of methods to gather information and have worked with others to collate, organise and communicate the results in an appropriate way. MNU 2-20b

I can display data in a clear way using a suitable scale, by choosing appropriately from an extended range of tables, charts, diagrams and graphs, making effective use of technology. MTH 2-21a