All posts by Mrs Hamilton

I'm the P5-7 teacher in Fisherton Primary.

Dyslexia Rap……Get busy with Dizzy

Our talented pupils have made a video of their Dyslexia Friendly School rap.  We are working towards our SILVER award.

Get busy, know the shizzy, with Dizzy in the hizzy…..

*So you’ve got dyslexia!

That don’t mean you can’t go far.

Don’t dare think that you are dumb.

Find ways to make learning fun.*


What does dyslexia mean?

Words and letters aren’t as they seem.

Sometimes numbers too,

Decide to play tricks on you.


What can you do about it?

Give up, fold your arms and just sit?

Annoy others and grab and hit?

Stress out ‘cause you feel you don’t fit?


That’s not the way to go.

You have the right to learn and grow.

Let your teachers, parents and friends know.

‘Please help let my smarts shoooowww’


Use the tools all around the class.

When asked a question don’t always pass.

Take your time and have a think.

Your brilliance is on the brink.


Wear glasses if you need.

Cool coloured overlays can help you read.

Talk about how you feel.

It happens, it’s fine, it’s real!


We hope you enjoyed our rap.

Now I’m ready for a nap.

If you need help remember to shout.

Someone will help you out.



Dizzy is our new DFS mascot and is a very resourceful octopus!




RRSA Journey

We have been working on many projects to try and achieve our RRSA.  This journey started in 2015.  Here are some things we have done.


Wall display

This is our new wall display. The pupils on the RRS committee planned and created this display. We used materials from the old display and recycled them. This tells the next part of our RRSA story. Initially we had to get our whole team on board the RRS ship. We did many activities in school to makes sure all staff and pupils understood the RRS ethos. We made our charter and are all on-board with trying to achieve this.

The RRS ship has now set sail and we are trying to share our vision with our families and the community. So far we have had information assemblies, values workshops, we sent our Fizzy mascot home to help parents know all about UNCRC and we wrote a school show which displays the RRS attitudes and values. Many parents and people from the village came to see our show and we have video evidence of us in action. We went through the script and linked each part to the UNCRC articles.

We update the blog regularly and this blog has been looked at all over the world. We hope to make some stronger links with international schools and then we can share more of our good work with them.

This was wall display 1 We set sail on the Fisherton RRS ship. We have made our charter. We will now share our RRS ideas and learning with the community.


Please read the Fisherton Primary Rights Respecting School charter.

 Children will respect these rights by:

  • Playing nicely and treating others with respect.
  • Inviting others to play and making sure nobody is left out.
  • Trying their hardest in all that they do and not distracting others from their learning.
  • Keeping their classroom and school tidy.
  • Making sure everyone is enjoying their playtime and taking care of the playground toys.
  • Putting their hand up and making an effort to ask and answer questions.

Adults will respect these rights by:

  • Ensuring there is always adult supervision in the playground.
  • Providing opportunities to play with friends and to join a variety of groups.
  • Encouraging and challenging children and other adults to do their best.
  • Providing a safe and clean learning environment.
  • Providing time to rest and play.
  • Making sure everyone has a chance to answer questions and share ideas.

This was written in 2016 with input from pupils, staff and parents. We researched the articles within the UNCRC when we developed our school values and wrote this charter in alignment with the UNCRC and the school values. We hope all children and adults of the school and community adhere to, and agree with, this charter.



Click here to see the links to UNCRC

Our Rights Respecting Mascot Fizzy

We are pleased to introduce our Right Rights Respecting School mascot.

Please welcome Fizzy into your family for a few days and ensure that all her rights are respected and her needs are met. Help your child to jot down how and when Fizzy’s rights were respected.

We hope you enjoy this little bit of fun that will help the whole school community on our journey to becoming a Rights Respecting School.

Day for a Change

We took part in Day for Change.

We started the New Year 2016 with a new challenge! Day for Change is Unicef UK’s annual fundraising campaign for Unicef’s work to keep children safe around the world. The challenge was to collect as much loose change as you can from January to May – from around the house, down the sofa,  pockets – and anywhere else anyone could think of!

Health Week Activities

We had a visit from Mr Holland on Friday who told us all about Ice Hockey. We got to try on his kit and look at his trophies. We had lots of questions for him!

What a busy day 2!!

Healthy Breakfast…



And baking!!

Day 1

This afternoon we took part in some martial arts with TKS.  We learned some self defence moves.  We also learned about the importance of focus and listening.

This morning we got active with a coach from NHS Jumpstart

Why is the sky blue?

This week we investigated why the sky is blue. …..But space is black

We learned that light from the sun looks like white light but is actually a spectrum of coloursThis light travels in waves and moves through the air without being interrupted.  The light is absorbed by objects and an object reflects one colour, which is the colour we see the object to be. 

The particles in our atmosphere (or the air around us) reflects the blue light that beams out from the sun and that is why we see they sky as being blue.

If it rains when it is very sunny the rain interrupts the travel of the light waves and the colours split.  When this happens we see a rainbow.  The light is bent by the water and this is called refraction.

Click the highlighted word for more information.


Space isn’t blue because is doesn’t have the same atmosphere as we have on earth so the light isn’t reflected in the same way.


Extend your learning by investigating why a sunset is such lovely reds, oranges, yellows and purples…..


We used our science investigations to complete some art projects. 

We created a colour mixing wheel.

 We painted a rainbow.We created a sunset picture.

We finger painted stars.



We looked at the symbology of a rainbow.

Rainbows have many different meanings.

They symbolise different things to different people.

We have been discussing tolerance, empathy, loyalty, kindness, resilience, mutual trust and respect.

We know it is important to respect the different views, values and beliefs of others’.

In Celtic wisdom, the rainbow is called kambonemos, and it means “curve of the sky”. The belief is rainbows promise new life.

In Greco-Roman mythology, the rainbow was considered to be a path made by a messenger (Iris) between Earth and Heaven.

In Chinese mythology, the rainbow was a slit in the sky sealed by goddess Nüwa using stones of five different colours.

In Hindu religion, the rainbow is called Indradhanush, meaning “the bow of Indra, the god of lightning, thunder and rain“. Another Indian mythology says the rainbow is the bow of Rama.

Rainbow flags include a symbol of peace and the colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community.

Christians belive a rainbow is a promise from God that he will never flood the earth again.

From ancient Norse ledgend and mythology comes the story of the Rainbow Bridge. This is the story of immense love and an enduring bond between pets and people.


How You Can Help

The pupils and staff with be continuing their journey towards being a Rights Respecting School (RRS).  We will continue to communicate how we are aiming to achieve the title of RRS and will keep you informed of how you can help us.  We are starting the year off by re-painting the mural that is located in the playground.  The children and busy designing this and will use ODL days to prepare the wall and paint the mural.  I will also be running and Eco after school club which will address some RRS themes.  The new mural will have a RRS theme.  If anybody is able to donate masonry paint, scrubbing brushes, paint brushes or time I would be very grateful.  Keep logging onto the website to follow our RRS journey, discuss children’s rights with your child and contact me if you have any ideas of how we can involve parent and community in this venture.

log onto these website for more information.

Rights Respecting Schools

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

Article of the Month

Article 42

All adults and children should know about this convention.

Article 42 of the UNCRC says that all children, young people and adults should know about the Convention.

People should think about ways to make sure everyone knows about the Convention, regardless of their age. There should be training around how to do this, especially for those who work with children and young people.


Music Term 1 – 2017

We’re having music lessons with Mrs Hamilton this term. 

We’ll be exploring dynamics, rhythm and beat.

We will also investigate a music timeline throughout the ages and listen to different styles of music from around the world.

Music appreciation will also be a focus.

This week we learned pianissimo, piano, forte, fortissimo and crescendo.

Do you know what these mean?

We listened to and discussed this song by a band called Bon Iver.  We noticed the different dynamics in the musician’s piano playing.  We talked about how the music made us feel. 


Week 2

We talked about music throughout the 20th century and looked at two famous composers – John Williams and Leonard Bernstien.  They composed songs for some very famous films.

Have a listen and think about what you hear.

John Williams – Hedwig’s Theme from Harry Potter

Celebrating John Williams Prom




The first video helped us to think about texture.  We also remembered to listen for the dynamics that we learned about last week.

Next we talked about pitch….we made low and high sounds.

We finished our lesson by listening to Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman sing ‘Time To Say Goodbye’

We Thought:

I liked how they sang differently and the girl was high and the boy was low.

I liked their singing.  They were both good and even better together.

I liked that they sang separately then together.




Outdoor Learning Day 1 2017/18

Today we had the first of our outdoor learning mornings for the    year.  We have a few projects we would like to complete this term.

  • Seasonal planters for the school entrance.
  • New mural for the playground.
  • Prepare veggie patch.

We crammed loads of learning into our morning.  Here is what the pupils said.


We sketched designs for the new mural.


We weeded the planters.

We harvested our crop of broad beans that were planted last term.

We cared for our environment and learning in our outside space.


We used scales to weigh the beans.

We counted the beans.

We estimated how much the beans weighed and how many we had gathered.

We used Number Talk strategies and formal algorithms to solve problems.

Group Work:

We worked together.

We discussed ideas.

We voted democratically!!!