All posts by Mrs Hamilton

I'm the P5-7 teacher in Fisherton Primary.

The Hobbit – Audio Book

As part of our literacy development we have started listening to an audio book.  The whole class get comfy with cushions and listen together.

After listening we discuss the story using Bloom Buttons.

Why are we doing this???                                                                

Research shows that audiobooks allow the listener to retain their visualisation and picture-making skills.  A reader who struggles to ‘decode’ the words will have difficulty absorbing their meaning, affecting comprehension, memory and enjoyment. The listener, however, not only has the advantage of being able to visualise as they listen, their understanding is also helped by a model of interpretive reading for the tone of voice, accent, emphasis and timing given to the text by the professional reader.

Listening to books in audio form can help them acquire not only a whole new range of experience, but a vocabulary beyond their own reading level and everyday conversation, enhancing fluency and comprehension. Their horizons expand, they absorb the structure and conventions of storytelling and develop much greater confidence to communicate both orally and on paper, which has enormous benefits to their writing.

Good listening skills are essential for effective learning in all areas of the curriculum and will help pupils with their school work. Audiobooks improve concentration and engage pupils with their studies, helping them to achieve at a higher level across the curriculum and continue to self-select literature in the future, instilling a lifelong love of reading.

What the children say                                                               

I like how it gets you relaxed and focused to listen.

I like how you get to relax and not have to read a book.

I think it’s quite good how we all sit together and it’s quiet so the only thing you are concentrating on is the story.

I like how you don’t have to read it off a page.  You can just lie down and imagine it all.

The questions at the end are important so that we know we have been listening.

I think it’s good how we get to hear what other people say because if you don’t understand a bit of the story talking about it might help you to understand that part.


We’ve had a great morning of STEM discovery!

We have been thinking about the different jobs associated with Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.  We rotated round different work stations gaining and developing  skills.

We were:

  1. Constructing a circuit to make a bulb light, explaining how a switch controls a circuit, and explaining what is happening in a circuit.
  2. Discussing how an everyday product has changed over time, suggesting how products impact on society, and talking about STEM related careers.
  3. Solving practical problems when given a design challenge including aspects of movement, designing a vehicle that could carry an object, and suggesting ways to strengthen a design.

We used….

The Dyson Ideas Box





Today we had a visit from Sandie Robb of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.

We learned that Giant Pandas are an endangered species because people are destroying their habitats….. this is called deforestation.

Pandas can only reporduce once a year and the cubs are very helpless when they are born.

Click here for more Giant Panda facts!

What we did/enjoyed….

I liked looking at the skulls and having to match the different animal skins with the skeletons…….and holding fake panda poo!!

I loved learning all the different facts about pandas.

We played Chinese pairs and I won a couple of games which was good.

I thought it was hard to play some of the games because you had to sort some of them out reading the Chinese characters.

I found it interesting to find out different facts about pandas that I didn’t know.

I enjoyed investigating the bamboo.

We also learned about a VERY strange mating ritual!!!!!!




Safer Internet Day 2017

Today is Safer Internet Day…..


We started the day with a Power Points about  SID.  We decided to make a rap about it instead of making posters because we thought that a rap would be more fun.  Before we started the rap we worked in groups and dicussed a slogan for our rap and the message we want to share.  We found some music with a good beat.  We wrote the rap by using all of our ideas.  We recored the rap and hope you all enjoy listening!!


Don’t Share Your Personal Information

Just to be an Internet Sensation


Today is Safer Internet Day. (SID)

Career in Football Anyone?


We have been having many discussions about the different jobs we might like to try when we get older.  Last week we learned that all jobs in the film and entertainment industry don’t necessarily mean you have to be the star of the big screen.  This we week invited some guests from the world of sport.  Liam Hamilton, from Street League, and Danielle Connolly of South Ayrshire’s Employability and Skills,  came into school to talk to us about their jobs within the football world, and their jobs as people that help others’ find training and employment.

Danielle has had a career in women’s football.  She played for Celtic, for a team in America, and now plays for Hamilton Accies.  After she left we discussed the fact that females in football do not get paid the way male players do……interesting discussions! dannielle%20connolly%202

Liam started his working life as a coach builder and later decided to train as a football coach.  He went to Stirling University and now coaches youth teams.  Liam currently coaches with Ayr United.  His full-time job is with Street League,  which involves supporting unemployed 16-24 year olds to move into sustained employment using the power of sport.


We interviewed them both and recorded the interview to make a podcast.  The podcast is available to listen to from this blog.  Click the video at the bottom of this post.

Here is what the pupils had to say about their visit…

I liked the fact they both like Lionel Messi.

I liked when we got to go out and play football in the fresh air.

I was nervous when I had to interview them.

I enjoyed listening to what they had to say in answer to our questions.

I thought some of their comments were funny.

I liked watching our own football team play.

I think it is good how they have moved teams and coached or played with different teams.

dsc_2830 dsc_2832 dsc_2833

Listen to our radio interview here.


Click the links for more information.

Street League

South Ayrshire Employability and Skills

Developing the Young Workforce







Outlander – Set Visit

Last Friday we had the privilege of visiting the Outlander set in our very own village!!  We had been invited as special guests and our harbour looked like it had never looked before.  We were delighted to have this opportunity and it was amazing to see the transformation within Dunure.  We spoke to the to one of the bosses and learned all about his job, he was the art director.  We also spoke to the locations manager.  They both told us about the many jobs involved in creating a TV show or film.  We were intrigued to find out more about these jobs and continued with our research back in the classroom.  Full reports on this experience will be available in the school newspaper at the end of the term.

Top Secret Mission…

This morning we went on a top secret mission to the village.  We found out about MANY different jobs.  Some jobs that we didn’t even know existed!! I’m afraid we are secret agents at the minute and cannot reveal our findings.  Watch this space for the full reports in the near future!!


Click the link to see what other boys and girls are saying about their dream jobs!

Developing The Young Workforce


Busy In Media Masterclass

We have been very busy in masterclass and have loads we want to share with you.

mmc1 mmc2

Here are some Tweets we came up with for our class twitter account.


Here is some other infomation we would like to share with you about our school!

In our lunch hall we have a food waste trolley. It has 4 different compartments they are –

  1. Food waste
  2. Cutlery
  3. Liquid
  4. Disposables

When we are finished with our plates we sit them on a shelf for the lunch lady to wash them for the next day.



We go on the trim – trail every time we go out for break time and lunch time. It was installed in 2014.


We are doing  ‘The News’ for our new topic. We have already got a few articles on the P5-7 wall.


The P5’s are learning decimals in Maths. I really enjoy doing it. I don’t know about the others.

We have just finished doing time for our maths. I found it okay.

P5-7 have started rugby every Tuesday with Aiden. Even though I was not there I will be doing it next week.

In PE with Mrs Connolly, the P1-7 are doing Badminton. We started on 18/01/17. It was extremely fun!

On 27/01/17, the school is having a ‘Burns Poem Competition’. The P7’s have ‘Willie Wastle’ by Robert Burns. We have practised since the start of Term 3.

Here is a document with all our Scots poems attched.
