All posts by Mrs Hamilton

I'm the P5-7 teacher in Fisherton Primary.

Start Of Term Motivation

We are all back and rested after our holiday.  We have been looking at how many days P7 have left of primary school……forever!!

With Dolphin House, long weekends, Carrick visit, sports day, trip ect……….. we really don’t have much time left of this school year.

We have spent this morning thinking about our targets for the term.  We have set 4 SMART targets each.

Health and Wellbeing, Literacy and Numeracy targets have all been set.  We also set a personal choice target. We’ll be assessing how we are doing each week.





Head Teacher Hello




I am delighted to take up the post of Acting Head Teacher here at Fisherton Primary. This week, I have really enjoyed re-acquainting myself with pupils and staff, who I worked with last time I was at the school, and getting to know our newer pupils. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible tomorrow at our Easter Assembly and hope you have a lovely Easter, when it comes.

Kerry Malcolm

School of Magic

P5-7 are busy planning their learning theme for next term, which will see us creating our very own school of magic!!!  We came up with a name for our school of magic and it will be called….

Middlemist School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I wonder if anyone can figure out how we came up with this name???

We have also created a new school badge by adapting the Fisherton badge….check it out!

We are currently working in groups to create new house names, emblems and the traits of the people in each house……where will the sorting hat put us?

Term 4 is sure to be filled with some very interesting learning experiences.  We’ll be tackling the theme of Health and Survival in our very own magical way.  We’ll pop to Hogwarts, Hobbiton and Middle-earth for inspiration along the way.

Watch this space for a term crammed with creativity, magical maths, stupendous science, exciting experiments,  and outstanding outdoor learning.






Media Club on Tasty Term Three

Hello folks, Media Master Class here!  We’re going to give you a wee run down of term 3 in Fisherton primary.  It has been another busy and exciting term for the pupils and staff in our school. 

The term kicked off with us learning Scots poems and getting ready for our bodacious, brilliant Burns Supper.   We have been improving our reading, talking and listening skills in Bookclub.  Our Bookclub is going to be sooooooooooo much more exciting and interesting now because we have some nifty, new books.   An amazing experience happened down at the harbour and we got taught what they do on a film set!

Information on these events and MUCH MORE can be read about in our P5, P6 and P7 newspapers.

Our learning theme was ‘In The News’ and we have learned loads about how news is reported, published, transmitted, produced and broadcast.  We have even been gathering Word Aware words  relating to the news, to help grow our vocabulary.  Check out how much our vocabulary has grown already! By summer out tree will be bursting with words. 


I liked doing the shapes in maths because we got to trace them and I liked the ‘I’m thinking of a shape’ game.  I learned what a polygon is.  I like listening to the Hobbit because we got to bring our own teddy or cushion to school which helps us get comfy.

I think working in our year groups was a highlight for me because in term 1 and term 2 we weren’t very good at co-operation and every 2 seconds it was an argument.  I think our skills have definitely improved this term which has made working in our groups much more fun and enjoyable.

I like doing bookclub because I’m in P4 and it means I get to work with the big class.  I enjoy the challenge because I think it is quite fun.

I have liked this term because of bookclub and our new books.  Spiderwick was a really good book!!  Jammin’ Andy was also fun and I liked the fitness activities.  

In term 4 we are looking forward to…

Our new head teacher, Mrs Holland coming back, Dolphin House, Maidens Tournament, P7 leavers….and much more!!

Watch this space for all our fun updates……Media club signing out!!

Easter Eggstravaganza

Letters have already been sent home to invite you to our Easter assembly.  Please ensure you return the tear off slip to help us gauge the number of friends and family that are joining us.  The assembly will begin at 10.30am on Friday 31st of March.

*** Competition ***

As part of this assembly we will be having an Easter bonnet parade and an Easter garden display. If your child should wish to take part they can enter an Easter garden or an Easter bonnet. All entries must be in school by Wednesday 29th March to allow the judging to take place. There will be an early years winner, an infant winner and an upper winner for each category.

   May your bonnets be as fabulous and flamboyant as can be…

   May your gardens be the vision of all Easter eco warriors!!

                                                           GOOD LUCK!!




Read All About It!!!

It’s a hive of activity today in the P5-7 classroom….. or should I say newsroom!

The children are working very hard at putting together not one  …not  two  ….BUT   THREE  class newspapers!! 

Each year group have a deadline of Wednesday 22nd of March to get their magnificent media masterpieces finished.  Copies will be available when they are hot off the press during the last week of term.

Good luck teams!

Newmilns Trip

The pupils were very active this moring during their trip to Newmilns Snow and Sports Complex.

I really enjoyed the tubing because we managed to get into loads of different formations and groups to go down together.

I really enjoyed doing the tubing because we could go down with our friends or go down our self and get spun around really fast.

I didn’t like the skiing part because we were only on the nursery slope and couldn’t get much speed.

I liked the skiing because we got to try new things and had to do limbo but leaning forward.

The tubing was really fun and if you got spun you went faster.

When we were doing the skiing it was very hard to walk up the hill in the ski boots.  Going down was quicker than going up!

I enjoyed the skiing and doing the turns.  I’m surprised I didn’t fall.