Meet the Teacher

From my point of view it was good to have the opportunity to ‘Meet the Parents’ last night. I hope that the information evening was helpful.

Today letters have been issued to those who were unable to attend last night. These contain the bar code to enable you to log on to your child’s Seesaw account ready for it to be activated later this term. There is also an in initial letter for Loch Insh.

Can I encourage you to return the Loch Insh form, or a note to let us know that your child is not planning to go on the trip, quickly. This is to enable us to set up Parent Pay to enable people to spread their payments over as much time as possible. We are unable to set this up until everyone has replied. Should you wish to take up this opportunity but need support financially, please contact Miss Docherty as there are several avenues we can explore to try and help people out.

We are also waiting for a few letters to be returned regarding leavers’ hoodies. Once again, it is not a problem if your child doesn’t want a hoodie or you would prefer their name to be left off, but we cannot proceed with orders or payment set up until everyone has replied.

In class, we are continuing with our topic on Natural Disasters, reading our class book, ‘Running Wild’, by Michael Morporgo and attending Elderslie Bowling Club to name a few highlights. I am keen to add some photos to the blog but again we are waiting for a few brown envelopes to be returned which will let us know of anyone who should not have their photograph featured on our blog.

Thank-you for your support,

Mrs Wilkie and Mrs Clydesdale.