Category Archives: PTA

Cooking Classroom

Wallace Cooking Classroom saw the addition of a fridge and sink.  These will support the implementation of cooking activities.  Thank you very much to the Parent Council for their fund raising efforts as money donated to the school was used to supplement the purchase of these items.  Succeeding Together.


Smartie Challenge

Thank you very to the Parent Council for organising the Smartie Challenge which raised an impressive £995.84.

The draw took place at assembly on Friday and all winners were delighted to receive a cinema voucher.

Well done to everyone in the nursery class and primary school who participated and contributed to this very successful fundraising event.  (Succeeding Together)

Smartie Challenge

Today the Parent Council SMARTIE challenge was issued.  We hope everyone can participate to help to raise money for our Parent Council.

Due to a mix up it wasn’t issued to the nursery, we are so sorry! Nursery children and any school children who were off can download the challenge  here –  Smarties Challenge. You can purchase your own packet of SMARTIES to collect 20 pence pieces and we can replace this after the holidays.

Have a great Easter holiday!