Homework week beginning 9.9.19

Homework is issued on a Monday and should be returned on a Friday signed.

Homework folders should be available in school each day so that children may access their reading books and letters issued be stored safely.


Homework tasks this week:

Reading– core reader (reading book);

Spelling– spelling pattern th– and common words (are, come, of, new)


Please encourage your child to:

Say the word   e.g. think

Break it into the sounds e.g. th-i-n-k (4 sounds)

Blend it- th…i…n…k.. (stretching out each sound)

Write it (whilst covering the word)

Check it (against the written format)

This will help your child to use their sounds knowledge to learn to spell.


It will help your child’s learning if you tackle one column of spelling on 2 different nights.

An active spelling grid is in the front cover of the literacy homework jotter. You should pick one to try on a third night.

There is a spelling dictation on a Friday. This is recorded in the back of the literacy homework jotter. In Primary 2 this dictation is getting children used to the format of a spelling test which is tricky in itself so please don’t worry about errors- it is early days and a new experience for the children.



Subtraction/ taking away.

Children have practised writing subtraction stories for word problems in class. Help your child understand the picture problem as a take-away sum

e.g. There are 9 sheep and 4 are removed leaving 5 sheep left

(9-4= 5)

If your child is looking for increased challenge- Tell them a subtraction word problem- can they write a subtraction sentence?

e.g. I have 7 sweets and I gave 2 to you.  How many would I have left?

Child should write   7-2=5

(Many children will miss the 2 in the subtraction sentence and go straight to the answer)


Favourite Fairy Tale-

We enjoyed reading Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth. At the end of the story we made a connection to Jack and The Beanstalk.


Your child has been asked to think about their favourite Fairy tale and why they like it. They have also been asked to find out someone at home’s favourite fairy tale.  They will have the opportunity to share this with classmates on Friday.


Thanks for your support with homework.


Ms Crawford