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Lent Reflection Day for Primary School Pupils – Sunday 12th March

The Diocese of Paisley will be facilitating a day of reflection and activities for Primary School pupils (p4-7) on Sunday March 12th at St. James, 50 Greenock Road, Paisley. Beginning at 2pm and ending with Dinner at 5.00pm (collection time 5.30pm), the afternoon will include activities, catechesis and Mass. Pre-booking is recommended but not required. All attendees will be required to bring a completed consent form. These can be collected from Diocesan Primary schools, Parishes or by emailing,uk. For further information or queries please contact Fr. John Morrison Tel: 01418892026 or e-mail


Please note we’ve had to change the location from St. Laurence’s, Greenock to St. James’, Paisley due to building work at St. Laurence’s’

Exciting Science Opportunity

BBC are currently seeking young people aged 5-11 to participate in workshops for a series of Physics films being produced for BBC Bitesize Scotland to support the delivery of primary practical science.

They are looking for enthusiastic children, who are willing to have a go at the experiments and talk about what they are doing and what they see.

Filming will take place at the end of July, at a location in Glasgow and young people should be accompanied by a parent/carer on the day

Recording licences will be arranged directly between the BBC and the parent/carer to cover filming as required by the Scottish Government Department responsible for managing children as contributors for use in online digital media. Drinks and refreshments will be available during filming sessions and BBC will provide travel expenses.

Further information about this opportunity is attached.

Should you have any further questions or wish your child to participate in this exciting opportunity, then please contact Margaret Craw, STEM Education Officer at Education Scotland:

Renfrewshire Music Service virtual Christmas concert

Here is a link for the Renfrewshire Music Service virtual Christmas concert. Young instrumentalist from across the council area playing some festive tunes!


Provost’s Community Awards 2021/22

Provost Lorraine Cameron is looking for Renfrewshire residents who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in their local community. If you know anyone that you would like to nominate, please see the information below.  The deadline to submit any nominations is Friday 7th January 2022.

Provost Awards 2022 Poster

ProvostsAwards2022_Nomination_Form_blank form

Guidance note for nomination form 2022

Virtual Kilt Walk

We are taking part in Scotland’s Virtual Kilt Walk for the Dreams Come True charity. On Thursday 29th April, children are asked to bring £1 donation to school. They will be asked to walk around the perimeter of the school grounds which is roughly 500 metres. Children should wear their uniform and ensure that they have suitable footwear.

Inspired 2021 Art competition winners

Congratulations to everyone who entered this years Inspired 2021 Art competition, Renfrewshire Leisure will be showcasing all of the work that was submitted.

However, two of our pupils, Joseph Fabiani in P2/3 and Ryan Cartwright in P6/7,  have received a highly commended certificate for their entries. Congratulations and well done to both of them.

Playing with Tornadoes_Joseph _p2_St Peters primary

Normality_Ryan_P6_St Peters primary

P3 – Catholic Education Week Activities

In Primary 3 we are celebrating Catholic Education Week this year by taking the theme ‘Jesus, The Way, The Truth and The Life’ and showing its relevance in our lives today. The children have been learning about the lives of some of our saints, remembering Pope Francis’ message that God is calling us all to be saints. Pope Francis also encourages the children to ‘Dream big’ and use their talents to their full potential. Primary 3 also learned about some of the history of the first Catholic school in Paisley and how it was funded by Paisley Abbey. The children have recorded personal challenges which they feel will make a difference in their lives and the lives of others and bring them closer to God.

Return to school update

We are aware that parents/ carers have many questions related to returning to school next week. Please refer to the information that was issued in June and is still available on the school website. All information given remains the same. Stationery required in school will be provided and will remain in school. Children can bring a school bag, lunch bag and water bottle which will remain with them in their classroom. Children can get a packed lunch from the dinner hall but hot meals will not be available initially. An update will be issued early next week to confirm any further arrangements, such as staggered entry/exit times. Staff are working to ensure a safe and happy return to school for all of our pupils and we look forward to seeing them all again next week.

Payment available from renfrweshire Council

Where a family claim clothing grant, Renfrewshire Council have the facility to make a payment to them equivalent to the cost of the free school meal (£11.25 per week).

This payment is being paid into accounts every two weeks and should have been paid into your account already.

If you are entitled and haven’t had your payment, please let us know by emailing Mrs Mazzoni at:

Please Note: As we are unable to access our enquiries email address at the moment, please use the above email address if you need to contact us at all.

P2/3 Maths week

Primary 2/3 have been busy during maths week. 30th September – 4th October.  One of our activities was counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.  We went outside to create hopscotch games with chalk for the children to play on.

Cash for Kids- Support St. Pauls Primary

St Paul’s Primary is the only school in Renfrewshire that is part of the Cash for Kids School Challenge. Their aim is to raise as much money as possible for Cash for Kids. It’s ALL for a charity that responds to the needs of children in OUR community, aspires to enable all children to live life to the full and achieve their individual potential. The St Paul’s Primary children will be involved in an exciting challenge, fundraising for a worthy cause that will help these children and families massively with the chance of winning £2500 for their school needs. This will benefit the children of St Paul’s Primary greatly and allow for fantastic opportunities for the children. 

Here is the link to their fundraising page, Your support would be greatly appreciated.








P1/2-Sandwich lunch

National Sandwich Week!

Did you know that there is British sandwich week?  Primary 1/2 thought this was a perfect opportunity to make some sandwiches as part of their Lighthouse Keepers Lunch topic.  They were very tasty indeed!  This was a few weeks ago now, but look at our great efforts.

P3/4 – Visit to Glasgow Airport

P3/4 have been working on an new topic about Airports. On Monday 17th December, they visited Glasgow Airport. Loganair arranged a fun filled and exciting day which included a visit to check-in and a journey through security where the children had a chance to guess what was in the bag as it was x-rayed. They then went up to airfield ops. and watched aircraft take off and land.

Next, they got a thrill as they boarded a Loganair SAAB 2000 aircraft. On-board, they chatted to two pilots in the cockpit and were served biscuits and juice by the cabin crew.

The children had a wonderful time and would like to thank the airport staff for an enjoyable day.

Have a look at our enjoyable day:

P7-Remembrance Service

On Friday P7 attended a Remembrance Service in Braemount Care Home. Before the service the children spent some time speaking to the residents, who had written some of their war memories on poppy cards.  After the service, which was conducted by Canon Eddie, the children created a Garden of Remembrance with the poppies.