Catholic Education Week

It is a privilege to be able to share with you an update from the schools across our Cluster.

Catholic Education Week takes place each year from the Feast of St Margaret of Scotland (16th November) until the Feast of St Andrew (30th November).

The Catholic Church in Scotland encourages schools, parishes and other agencies to work closely together in order to celebrate the successes of Catholic education particularly during one week each year. The purpose of Catholic Education Week is to highlight the significance of education, not only for young people but for society as a whole. Students, parents, teachers and others are asked to reflect on their own roles in the education process – at home, in school, in the local parish and in other educational settings.
A key strength in all cluster schools is regular and well-planned opportunities for liturgical and faith celebration, and to support the faith journey of our children and families. In all of our cluster schools, liturgical and faith learning events are planned in advance with our Parish Priests and provide all in our community opportunity for communal celebration and deepening of faith.
We hope that you find the information contained within this short publication informative and reassuring of our collective commitment to Catholic Education. We wish to reassure you of our continued support for Parish life and thank you for all of your support and prayers for our school communities.

CEW 2023