Category Archives: Primary 4/5

PATHS Programme for Schools

St David’s deliver the PATHS Programme for Schools (UK Version).  This is a social and emotional learning programme that teaches children about their emotions and facilitates the development of self control.  We work with a coach from Barnardo’s who helps us with delivery and as part of their role the coach gathers anonymised surveys to assess the impact of the programme.  Please read the attached privacy statement and contact our coach Katrina McGovern via email at if you would not like your child to be included in any surveys or feedback activities.

KM Barnardo’s PATHS Privacy Statement 2021

Garden maintenance and our class rock animals

Having recently spent time with the team who installed our new sensory garden, P4/5 noticed that the garden was not looking as good as it was when it as first completed.

Several of the pupils asked Mr Kerr about what we could do to make the garden flourish again and we decided to have a tidy up and de-weeding afternoon.

We got out all of our garden tools and learnt about how to use tools such as trowels, forks, spades and garden hoes.

We also learnt about different weeds such as dandelions, stinging nettles and a weed called Jacobs coat, that was really colourful but grows way too quickly for our gardens. We split up into teams and worked to clear and smarten up all four areas of our garden.

We managed to dig and collect THREE whole bin bags of weeds and rubbish.

As part of our ‘Creating our own zoo’ project, we had painted animal pet rocks featuring a variety of animals you would find at the zoo.

Our creations can now be found in our Sensory garden. Pop over and have a look if you are in our playground.

Here are some of our animals in their new habitat.


P4-7 Renfrewshire PAThS Assembly

P4/5 and P6/7 took part in a Renfrewshire wide PAThS assembly with many other schools across the authority to talk about our feelings about returning to school.

We spoke as a class and shared our feelings/worries not only with our classmates but with other children across many other schools.  This allowed us to find out that our emotions are shared by many other people and it was good to find out that other people feel the same and have the same worries as us.

We also spoke about the power of teamwork and how by sharing our feelings and emotions we can be stronger as a team.

Merry Christmas!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in the St. David’s community a very Happy and Healthy Christmas!

We know many of you have been missing our traditional, annual Christmas activities and celebrations, and in particular, our Nativity performance! Usually, our whole school would be involved either with acting parts, as narrators, musicians or singers, but this year we had to adapt to our current situation and instead our Primary 1s along with support from Primary 7 narrators have become Youtube stars instead! We hope you enjoy watching this year’s performance of ‘Rock the Baby’ as a family and that next year we will be back to ‘normal’ and can have you in as a live audience once more.

Please leave us some feedback on the performance on Seesaw or Facebook.
