Kids Church – Corpus Christi Sunday

This Sunday is a wonderful day in the life of the church.  In our own community some of the children have made their First Communion and now they can celebrate that wonderful sacrament when they come to mass this weekend.  

There is so much to do and by talking and praying about this feast of Corpus Christi we can grow in faith together.

Please take time to look at the resources for Sunday and try to learn the hymns and songs.  Singing the hymns really helps to celebrate the new life that we have been given.


As always you can use the CAFOD resources to support your family time during the Easter Season and it is a great support for anyone who is receiving the Eucharist.


Resources can be found at

If your child is due to celebrate their First Communion next year in St Bernadette’s Parish and St John Bosco, you should have registered.  Looking forward to working with you this year.