Attendance & EBSA pilot

The Renfrewshire steering group is a multi-agency forum with a focus on developing and implementing approaches to support the multi-factorial influences on attendance and EBSA, and evaluating the impact of these using local authority data sets.

In session 2022-23, a group of pilot schools were identified (2 secondaries and 3 of their feeder primaries). The Educational Psychology team have worked closely with these schools during the session 2023-24, to develop their understanding of: EBSA, patterns of non-attendance in their establishments, and interventions to support attendance.  Schools were brought together for support and development groups where they shared their interventions and findings.

Initial findings from this pilot approach included:

  • Non- attendance is not just a secondary school issue, despite what the initial data may have looked like.
  • Seemis coding was not consistently applied
  • There was not a consistent threshold for non-attendance or response processes
  • Attendance letters needed to be reviewed to ensure they were written compassionately and in a nurturing way

Interventions developed or under development by the REPS, the Steering Group and the pilot schools include:

  • Developing Renfrewshire-wide attendance policy (thresholds, responses, consistent processes)
  • Revising Seemis coding guidance which has led to improved accuracy in non-attendance data
  • Developing a Local Authority message campaign around attendance
  • Revising attendance letters to emphasise support available for families and send a compassionate message
  • Supportive telephone rounds where attendance levels have dropped or children are consistently late (initial data indicates 78% improvement in attendance following consistent implementation of this strategy)
  • Data dashboard and data dashboard training for better access and understanding of school data
  • Identified children for the transitions pilot (attendance/wellbeing)
  • Exchange Counselling pilot (peer relationships)

Parent & staff views have been gathered and initial analysis has been completed

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