NVR is a multi-modal systemic, community-based form of intervention for supporting families who are experiencing violence or controlling behaviours from their child. The vulnerabilities of the young people exhibiting these behaviours are largely obscured by their aggressive behaviour. This aggression also leads to alienation between them and their parents, carers, teachers and other adults. This alienation further inhibits the recognition of young people’s distress.

NVR is a trauma-informed approach that offers parents/carers/professionals a programme that supports them to focus on the possible ‘unmet needs’ behind this behaviour. Through the understanding and implementation of the following four key concepts; Resist, Persist, Unite & Repair NVR enables adults to address what can be extremely challenging behaviours.

Within Renfrewshire the CE Attainment fund recognised the above and a need to reduce the number of moves within social care and education for CE children and young people. NVR fits extremely well with existing interventions within the authority and it was therefore identified as an effective way to address this. To date two groups have been implemented within the authority; a foster carers group run by Social work and Education and a school group comprised of kinship carers and parents. This group is run by Education staff.


1) By June 2020, children targeted by the NVR approach will increase time in class and will be involved in fewer violent incidents at home and in school. (Stability within school and school change is known to improve readiness to learn and parental involvement supports school attainment as it avoids disruptions in relationships).
2) By June 2020, there will be an improvement in practitioner’s efficacy, knowledge and skills for supporting the management of violent incidents.
3) By June 2021 (if funding continues until June 2021), Implementation Coaches (from REPS) will use knowledge and skills to upscale the NVR approach as informed by drivers. Aspects of NVR are incorporated into SW & Ed nurture and philosophy staff training programmes
4) By June 2021, if funding continues implementation coaches can provide X number of days for training and groups.


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