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Wk Beg 18.09.17

Good afternoon! I hope you are enjoying your weekend and soaking up some of the sunshine. Please find below homework news and class updates.


This week our spelling sound is ‘ng’. Children have been giving some fantastic examples of words that include our focus sound during class time. It’s certainly making our creative writing juices flow!

Your child will be issued with a reading book this week. Please read a little with them each night if possible.

Last week children were given a set of flashcards with our class reading animals on them. This is to remind them of how to work out a word if they are a little unsure. We focus on one animal a week in class – this week we will discuss how to ‘Slide the Snake’ in our reading books.

Due to the shorter week there will be no Maths homework, but if possible please practise the number bonds to 10 a little each night with your child. We have recently started our Primary 2 ‘Learn It’ calculations and I have been very impressed with the pupils’ enthusiasm.

We will still enjoy ERIC time (Tuesday) and read and munch (Friday).


Last week we had a fantastic visit to the Co-op where the children enjoyed exploring the aisles and identifying prices of items up to £1. Thank you very much to our three parent helpers that came along, and to all of our parents and guardians that supported the visit. Your continued support is valued and appreciated.

The children have had a great week in class and it is wonderful to both see and experience their enthusiasm for maths. We have been focusing on pattern and on Friday we created patterns of varying complexity on paper before re-creating them as fruit kebabs!

We made a kebab for ourselves as well as some for our read and munch partners in P6G – fabulous photos coming soon!

Please enjoy the week ahead and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Miss Cauley

Maths Week Scotland – Thank You and Feedback

Wow, what an amazing week we have had! Every pupil has experienced a wide range of exciting and challenging activities to highlight the importance and relevance of maths and numeracy. We have thought about how, where and why we use maths in our everyday lives and had fun taking part in our Maths Day on Tuesday.

The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the local Co-op and showed a great enthusiasm for their homework tasks. Thank you to those of you who sent in and/or tweeted photos of the children using maths and numeracy at home. Pupils were playing Sumdog, interviewing parents, pointing out clocks, weighing and baking!

We think that the first ever Maths Week Scotland has been a huge success and would like to hear your feedback. Please leave a comment below or write a note to tell us what you think about how we did. Tell us what you and your children enjoyed and what we could do better next year.

When we look at the key messages of Maths Week Scotland, I think we definitely ticked all of the boxes:

  • Maths skills, understanding and confidence are important for everyone.
  • Everyone can ‘do’ maths; it’s a way of learning and thinking that we all use and can develop.
  • Maths ‘is everywhere’ and relevant to day-to-day life and work – decision making, problem solving, budgeting, planning, assessing probability and risk, and many more.
  • Being confident about and enjoying maths is about commitment and learning. It’s not ‘a gift’; it’s something we can all acquire if we want to.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

Kind regards,

Miss McDowall

#MathsWeekScotlandRenfrewshire #MathsWeekScotland #MakingMathsCount

Sumdog Contest – Final Results

A huge well done to everyone who participated in the Sumdog contest as part of Maths Week Scotland. Thanks to your amazing efforts we achieved great results. Your efforts really paid off!

I know you all enjoyed playing in class and well done to those of you who played at home too. Thank you to those of you who tweeted photos of yourselves playing at home. A huge congratulations to P4 at Barsail Primary who were the top performing class within our cluster schools. And a massive well done to P5S, our winning class!

#MathsWeekScotlandRenfrewshire #MathsWeekScotland #MakingMathsCount

8th P4!, Barsail Primary 871
15th P7!, Barsail Primary 830
26th P3, Barsail Primary 767
58th P4/3!, Barsail Primary 676
61st P7/6!, Barsail Primary 664
71st P5/4!, Barsail Primary 646
77th P3/4 2017/18, Langbank Primary School 636


P5S, Bishopton Primary


152nd P6!, Barsail Primary 548


P4M, Bishopton Primary



P5D, Bishopton Primary



P5/4, Bishopton Primary


259th P2, Barsail Primary 485


P4C, Bishopton Primary


299th P5!, Barsail Primary 456
423rd Primary 4, Bargarran Primary 399


P7H, Bishopton Primary


448th P3/2, Barsail Primary 392


P6G, Bishopton Primary



P6A, Bishopton Primary



P2C, Bishopton Primary



P3S, Bishopton Primary


944th Primary 6/5, Bargarran Primary 269
1022nd Primary 5/4, Bargarran Primary 254


P2B, Bishopton Primary



P3H, Bishopton Primary


1198th Primary 2/1, Bargarran Primary 224
1218th P1b, Barsail Primary 222
1437th Primary 7/6, Bargarran Primary 192


P2R, Bishopton Primary


1437th Primary 7/6, Bargarran Primary 192


P7S, Bishopton Primary


1815th Primary 3/2, Bargarran Primary 139
1822nd Primary 3, Bargarran Primary 138
2190th P5 2017/18, Langbank Primary School 89
2413th P1a, Barsail Primary 53

Sumdog Contest – Thursday Morning

There are only 8 hours left in the Sumdog Contest! The final positions will be posted later but have a look at where our classes are now.

#MathsWeekScotlandRenfrewshire #MathsWeekScotland #MakingMathsCount

41st P5S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 621
106th P5D, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 524
153rd P5/4, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 481
186th P4M, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 461
372nd P7H, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 374
383rd P4C, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 369
404th P6G, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 362
706th P2C, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 278
784th P6A, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 264
813th P3S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 258
832nd P2B, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 255
1276th P3H, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 186
1470th P2R, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 159
1567th P7S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 144

Design Competition- BAE Systems

BAE Systems are running an exciting design competition open to everyone at Bishopton Primary School to create a sign around the theme of safe driving and sticking to the speed limit when driving through the village.

The winning designs will be chosen by a panel of judges and turned into road signs that will displayed around Dargavel Village. The pupils who created the winning designs will also get a small prize and a framed version of their design.

All entries must be handed in by Tuesday 26th September (please ensure child’s full name and class is written on the back).

We are sure you will have lots of excellent ideas and can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Sumdog Contest – Wednesday Positions

Here are the current positions of our classes and the classes from our cluster schools. Remember the contest ends tomorrow at 8pm, so let’s try our best today to climb the leaderboard. Well done to the pupils who have been playing at home. Thank you to the parents who have tweeted photos of your maths and numeracy activities – they look great!

#MathsWeekScotlandRenfrewshire #MathsWeekScotland #MakingMathsCount

3rd P4!, Barsail Primary Scotland 703
30th P7!, Barsail Primary Scotland 553
42nd P4/3!, Barsail Primary Scotland 524
48th P5S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 518
83rd P5/4, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 461
84th P5D, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 460
98th P3, Barsail Primary Scotland 447
178th P5/4!, Barsail Primary Scotland 392
200th P4M, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 382
284th P5!, Barsail Primary Scotland 345
328th P4C, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 331
378th P3/2, Barsail Primary Scotland 314
432nd P6G, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 293
440th P2, Barsail Primary Scotland 290
448th P7H, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 289
505th P2B, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 274
529th P3/4 2017/18, Langbank Primary School Scotland 267
553rd P7/6!, Barsail Primary Scotland 261
571st P2C, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 256
783rd P6!, Barsail Primary Scotland 215
814th P3S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 211
841st Primary 4, Bargarran Primary Scotland 207
1026th P6A, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 178
1039th P3H, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 177
1125th Primary 5/4, Bargarran Primary Scotland 165
1154th Primary 2/1, Bargarran Primary Scotland 159
1163rd P2R, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 158
1196th P7S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 153
1308th Primary 6/5, Bargarran Primary Scotland 138
1366th Primary 3/2, Bargarran Primary Scotland 129
1438th Primary 7/6, Bargarran Primary Scotland 118
1620th Primary 3, Bargarran Primary Scotland 88
1727th Primary 7 , Bargarran Primary Scotland 72

Sumdog Contest – Current Positions

Please check below to see where our classes are on the Sumdog Leaderboard.  Nearly all of our classes have now qualified and we are climbing the leaderboard. Remember we are competing with our cluster schools (Bargarran, Barsail, Inchinnan, Langbank and Rashielea).

#MathsWeekScotlandRenfrewshire #MathsWeekScotland #MakingMathsCount

33rd P4! Barsail Primary Scotland 450
73rd P4/3! Barsail Primary Scotland 410
97th P5S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 382
102nd P5D, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 375
173rd P5/4, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 328
292nd P4M, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 273
297th P2B, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 271
328th P4C, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 261
331st P7H, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 260
363rd P6G, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 250
639th P3S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 179
703rd P3H, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 168
707th Primary 4, Bargarran Primary Scotland 167
816th P2C, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 147
903rd P6A, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 132
924th Primary 3/2, Bargarran Primary Scotland 128
984th Primary 5/4, Bargarran Primary Scotland 115
1080th Primary 6/5, Bargarran Primary Scotland 96
1085th Primary 7/6, Bargarran Primary Scotland 95
1168th P7S, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 83
1413th P2R, Bishopton Primary School Scotland 0

Week Beginning 11/09/2017

Good Afternoon,

I hope you all had a pleasant and restful weekend. Please find details of this week below:

This week is Scottish Maths Week! Therefore, the children won’t be receiving any spelling or reading homework. Instead, I have issued them a maths bingo homework sheet. The children can do as few or as many of the bingo tasks as they wish. However, we will still be enjoying stories, ERIC time and Read & Munch (Friday) in school. Word walls will also be updated for next week alongside new reading books. But for this week, we’re focussing on maths!

By now all the children will have their SumDog username and passwords glued into the front of their homework diaries. Please try to log on to this at home to allow your child to practice their maths as part of their homework (there is also an iOS app for ipad/iphone).

On Wednesday 13th September we plan to walk to the coop.  The pupils are allowed to bring £1 to spend if they wish.  We will also be recording some prices and working with a partner to note down different items and prices in the shop.  We are looking for 2 adult helpers to join us if possible.  We will be going between 13:15 and 14:15.  If you think you can help please pop a note in the bag or diary tonight and I will get back to you as soon as possible with arrangements. Thank you in advance.

Pupils were given a brown envelope on Thursday containing letters. Please ensure these are returned as one of them is the local walking permission that we need for Wednesday.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there are any problems.

This morning the children enjoyed mixing art and maths with Kandinsky circles, inspired by the seasons of the year. This is for a school wide competition and a winner will be chosen from each stage in the school. They are looking absolutely brilliant!

Have a lovely rest of the week, and thank you for your continued support.

Miss Bachell