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Triple P Parenting Programme

A letter has been sent out today with details of the Triple P Parenting Programme. Please see below for more details:

Triple P Parenting Programme

Coping with children can, at times, be a challenge!

Issues such as tantrums, refusal to follow rules, shouting and screaming can cause stress and at times parents feel nothing they do works!

Help is at hand!

Triple P is highly regarded and successful programme for supporting parents who may be finding their children’s behaviour challenging.

Paul Harrison and Magi McCulloch, Home Link Workers, will be running a Triple P programme starting on Friday 27th October in Renfrew High School for 7 weeks. Sessions will be between 9.30am-11.30am.

Dates for your diary therefore are: Friday 27th October, Friday 3rd November, Friday 10th November, Friday 17th November, Friday 24th November*, Friday 1st December* Friday 8th December

* 30 minute telephone sessions at home

If you would like to be considered for a place in the group could you give Paul or Magi a call on 0141-886-8115 or complete the tear off slip attached to the letter and return to the primary school office, to discuss the next steps.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Harrison

Home Link Worker

P2R – A Very Special Visitor!

During technologies time, P2R were lucky enough to have a very special visitor. Suzanne came to tell us all about her job working in technology. She explained what she does in her job and the different skills she needs to use to do it well. Suzanne told us lots of interesting things, including how she is hoping to use virtual reality in the world of banking!

We are learning all about the world of technology and engineering so we can become members of the Institution of Primary Engineers!

Thank you very much to Suzanne for coming along to visit us!

P2C – Engineer Visit

During technologies time, P2C were lucky enough to have a very special visitor. David came to tell us all about his job as a civil engineer. He explained all about what civil engineers do and the different skills they need to do their job well. David did a fantastic job of answering lots and lots of question from the class!

We are learning all about the world of engineering so we can become members of the Institution of Primary Engineers!

Thank you very much to David for coming along to visit us!

Design a Flag Challenge – Taylor Wimpey

Taylor Wimpey West Scotland has challenged the pupils of Bishopton Primary school to design a flag that will take pride of place at the entrance to the latest new homes at the development at Dargavel Village, Bishopton.

The winning design will be made into a flag that will fly at the entrance to the new development to welcome visitors.

Design Brief

  • Please use an A3 piece of paper for your design (which you can get from your teacher)
  • Keep your design big and bold
  • Designs should be simple and not too detailed
  • All design should make use of solid colours
  • Use of full colour is allowed

Remember! The winning flag design will be flown from six metres high so your design must be strong and bold enough to be seen from a distance.


Finished, full colour drawings should be handed in to Mr Collins by Wednesday 4th October 2017.


The winning design will be used to create a flag for use at Taylor Wimpey’s development in Dargavel Village and the designer will win a £50 cinema voucher. Second prize is a £25 cinema voucher and third prize is a £15 cinema voucher.

Week Beginning 26th September

Good Afternoon!

I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful September weekend.

Some information for this week:


Our spelling rule this week is ‘qu’ as in ‘queen’ or ‘quack’. Children will have stuck in their spelling words into their homework jotters with Mr Collins today.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) I will issue the children with some number formation practice to start off their maths homework. Please try to do two lines per night if possible! The more practice the better.

We have also been learning about tens and units in maths and this game will help reinforce your child’s learning:

On top of that, to help with addition and number bonds practice there is also this game that can be played at different levels:

We absolutely love our maths games on the computer and iPad!


Some of you have asked why your child is on a different book band from the end of last term. Do not worry! Some children have needed a bit of practice with a lower book band to get them back into reading. It is more than likely that a lot of these children will jump back up a band. Some of us have already taken that leap. I will be listening to reading as much as I can to make sure we’re all on the correct level.

I hope to give out another reading book this week but I do encourage that the children do as much reading at home as possible from other sources; be that magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes, their own books, anything! I love hearing about what else the children have been reading.

Read and munch will be back on this Friday! Hopefully the P7s will join us again.

Amazonia Trip & Parent’s Nights

In each bookbag you should have been issued a letter for parent’s night and a letter about the Amazonia trip. I urge you to get these filled out and sent back in as soon as you can so that we can get organised.

If you are available to help out with the Amazonia trip please do let me know! It will be on Thursday 5th October. We are very excited about this trip!

Have a lovely week everyone!

Miss Bachell


P2R wk beg 25/09/17

I hope you all had a great holiday weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – this week our sound is qu as in quack and quick.

Reading – Pupils will be issued with a new reading book this week.  Wordwalls will be in their bookbags for practise.

Maths – Pupils should continue with their number formation.


We had a great week last week and worked very hard.  We learned about the Moon in Science, beat and rhythm in Music and started looking at tens and units in Maths.  This is the game we played in Maths to practise our tens and units.

In literacy we have been working on our diary writing skills paying attention to include finger spaces, capital letters and full stops and at least 3 accurate sentences including a feeling sentence.

Parent evening appointments will go out this week on Thursday.  Thank you for returning the day request forms.

We are very excited about our Amazonia trip on the 5th October.  If you are able to be a parent helper on this day please fill in the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Have a great week

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie

Wk Beg 26.9.17

Good afternoon,

I hope you have had a wonderful September weekend! Please find below some information for the week ahead.


Our spelling sound this week is ‘qu’ as in quit and quack. Children will stick their spelling words into their homework jotters and should try and use the ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ method when spelling their words.

As this week is another short week, children will not be issued with a new reading book. Instead, they should read for pleasure – this can be from a book, magazine, children’s newspaper or any other form of printed media.  If possible, please spend some time discussing the story/article with your child. I really enjoy hearing about what the children are reading in their spare time and the children also enjoy sharing recommendations with friends.

This week in class we will revisit our ‘Chunky Monkey’ and ‘Slide the Snake’ strategies before moving on to ‘Sharp Eye’.

Read and Munch will continue on Friday.


Children will be issued with a number tracing sheet this week. If possible, please complete two lines of numbers per night. This can be done in pen/pencil/coloured pencil.

Below is a link to a game children have been enjoying as part of maths lessons:

This will help to reinforce the number bonds to 10 and addition within 10.


We can’t wait for our trip to Amazonia on October 5th! We need a few parent helpers to come along – if you are interested and available to help  please fill in the sheet issued last week and pop it into your child’s book bag.

Thank you very much for your continued support – if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me or pop a note into your child’s diary.

See you all tomorrow boys and girls!

Miss Cauley




P2B Week Beginning 18th September

Good morning,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a nice start to the week.


Homework was issued yesterday. Our spelling rule this week is ‘ng’ (as in ‘sing’ or ‘thing’). The children came up with wonderful words as a class and even stuck in their own homework into  their jotters- hopefully on the right page!

Reading books were also handed out this week. I will stick a note into each homework diary indicating the book band your child is on. As I said before, some of us may be out of practice from the summer so of course, these bands may change over time. Make sure you try to read a little with your child each day, not just from their reading book. Word walls are also being reviewed.

This week is a 4 day week, so homework will be due on Thursday and that is also when we will have our spelling test.

After the whirlwind of Maths Week we won’t send out maths homework until next week. However, if possible please try to revise number bonds to 10 or 20 with your child.


We had a great trip to the co-op last Wednesday and were lucky enough to have P7H accompany us along the way and to help out. It was a lovely experience for the children.

P7H also joined us for read and munch on Friday, photos to come soon! We are hoping to buddy up with P7H more in the future.

Again, just to remind you- no school this Friday (22nd) or the following Monday (25th).

Have a great rest of the week and thank you for your continued support.

Miss Bachell


P2R wk beg 18/09/17

I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed some of the sunshine.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This week our sound is ng as in sing and wing.  We will have our spelling quiz on Thursday as we are off school on Friday.

Reading – Reading books will be issued on Monday.  Please read a little each night and ask your child some questions as you are reading to ensure they understand the text and are not just reading the words.  A slip has been stuck into the homework diary to let you know which reading colour band your child is currently working on.

Wordwalls – Your child will be issued with their new wordwall if required this week.

Maths – This week we will continue our number formation work.  Numbers 11 – 20 will be issued on Wednesday.


We had a great week last week and the children really enjoyed their trip to the coop.  Great Maths tasks were completed and we have displayed many pictures and items in the class for discussion.

This week is a 4 day week with children off on Friday 22nd and Monday 25th September.

Have a great week.  Thank you as always for your support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie