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Primary 2S – Thank you!

Hello everyone,

Just a quick post to say thank you all so much for my lovely Christmas cards and gifts. It was so kind and thoughtful of you all!

We have had a wonderful week in P2S, from our very successful Nativity show, to the fun filled Christmas party and even a special visit from Santa.

Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year with your family and friends. I look forward to seeing you all after the break!

Many thanks,

Miss Gilbert

Hello everyone,

Thank you all so much for of my lovely Christmas gifts, that was extremely kind of you! I absolutely love them.

P2F had a fantastic time at our Christmas party and enjoyed our special visit from Santa.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and wish you all the best for 2020.

See you next year!

Many thanks,

Miss Finnigan

P2 Christmas Party

P2G had a fantastic time at our Christmas party! We were so lucky that Santa took time out of his busy schedule to come and see us! We really enjoyed meeting him.

Thank you so much for all my gifts, it was extremely kind!! I wish everyone a fantastic Christmas break and I look forward to seeing you all in January.

Kind Regards

Miss Grant

P2F/P2G lost property


We have a few items of clothing with no names on them that have been gathered in our classroom. If any of them belong to your child please collect them from us at the end of the day or let your child know and we will put it in their school bag.

Thank you,

Miss Finnigan and Miss Grant


Nativity Dress Rehearsal

Good Afternoon

As our Nativity dress rehearsal is on Monday afternoon, we have reminded the children about bringing their Nativity outfit in on Monday in a bag with their name on it.

All Primary 2 and Primary 3 children should aim to wear jeans/denim skirt or trousers and a checked/denim shirt. If you don’t have a denim or checked shirt, can we please ask that your child wears a plain t-shirt. We are not expecting anyone to buy anything new. Some children have asked if they can wear cowboy hats, and this is allowed if they wish, or if they already have one.


Miss Grant and Miss Finnigan

Infant nativity – dress rehearsal Monday 16th December and performance Tuesday 17th December

As our infant nativity is about a stable hoedown, could we ask all P2F and P2G  children to wear cowboy-ish clothes eg. jeans/denim skirt and checked/casual shirt. Please don’t buy anything new.  Anything similar will do.  Cowboy hats may be worn.  Please bring these clothes into school in a bag on Monday 16th December, then take them home and come to school wearing them on Tuesday 17th December.

Thank you

P2K and P5C Read and Munch!

Hello everyone,

We are so excited to announce that our next Read and Munch with P5C will be on Friday 6th December. Please encourage your child to bring in their favourite book from home to share and read with P5C children, along with their favourite healthy fruit or vegetable snack.

We are looking forward to meeting all again soon.

Mrs Kane and Mrs Campbell.