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Big Pedal = Big Success

That’s the Big Pedal over for another year.  Thanks to everyone – mums,dads, grandparents, breakfast and after school club staff –  who made the effort to bring bikes and scooters. I know the children enjoyed it and we finished 6th out of over 500 schools in the UK.

Hopefully  with the nice weather we can all continue at home to get lots of exercise and have fun on our bikes and scooters.

Happy cycling and scooting.

Blogs, Email and Twitter Issues

Hello there

As you may be aware we are having some issues with a delay between posts on the blogs and email updates. We have made a few changes behind the scenes that will hopefully help with this problem, however, there may be some teething issues so please bear with us as we iron them out!

Previously, the email updates contained posts from the class you subscribed to and any posts from the main school blog. We think this is where the delay was happening. Therefore, if you want to receive updates from the main school blog and your child’s class blog, you will need to subscribe for the class and the main school blog updates and will receive two emails. The window for these emails arriving should be between 5 and 7pm each night with any updates from that day being sent through to your email. Please be aware that any posts added to the blog after 5pm that day will be in the update email the following day.

Example: if you have a child in P4M and P7H you should subscribe to both classes and will receive an email for each. If you also want to receive any posts on the main school blog (general posts that apply to the whole school), please subscribe to that also.

In addition we have changed the way in which our blog posts are pushed to the twitter feed. This should result in twitter being updated within a few minutes of the class teacher posting on the blog and information getting to you in a more timely manner.

Also to ensure we are reaching as many people as possible we have set up a Facebook page which will also be updated from the school blog. Search for Bishopton Primary School Renfrewshire or click here and like and follow our page. Please note, as with all our social media channels, this will not be monitored outwith school hours and should not be used as a means of contacting the school. If you wish to contact us please do so by contacting the school office.

Finally we are still experiencing issues with the enquiries email address. We are hoping that this will be resolved soon. In the meantime if you have sent an email and not received a response please contact the office and we will ensure your enquiry is dealt with promptly.

Thanks for your patience as we work to find a resolution.

Missing Jacket

We are missing a Bishopton Primary School, fleece lined, reversible jacket. Can you please double check that your child has the correct jacket at home and if you find one that isn’t yours, please return to P1N. Thank you!

Uganda Fundraising Update

Hello everyone! Following on from the ‘Chuck it in a Bucket for Uganda’ day before the holidays, I am absolutely thrilled to say that our school community raised an amazing £578 pounds! Thank you so much for your support in raising this fantastic amount and for your continued engagement in the project. I have really enjoyed speaking to the children about the upcoming visit and cannot wait to  share my pictures and experiences with them when I return in August.

Thanks again,

Miss Cauley



Email and Twitter Feed

We are aware that there is a delay between the time the class teachers post to the blog and parents receive an email alert or a notification on twitter. The delay can be as much as 48 hours. Unfortunately this is not something we have control over. Therefore we would ask that in the meantime you access the school/class blog for the most up to date information.

We are also experiencing difficulties with the Bishopton Enquiries email address. If you need to make contact with the school office please phone rather than email for the time being.

We will update you when these issues have been resolved. Apologies in the meantime for the inconvenience.

P2R wk beg 30.04.18

Good evening, I hope you all enjoyed the lovely weather this weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This week our spelling sound is ow as in snow and blow.  there will be 4 words with this sound and 4 tricky words.  Remember to complete an activity from the spelling grid if you can.

Reading – Books continue.  Over the next few weeks I will be completing running records again with the children to check reading levels.  Next week we will have the Big cat books home again.

Wordwalls – These will be checked on Thursday.

Maths – A fraction sheet revising 1/2s will go home this week.  We will be looking at quarters next week.

The children have been working so hard on time this session.  Please encourage them to recognise o’clock, half past and quarter past at home if you can.  They should also know how to write and say these times in digital.


Last week we continued our new Africa Topic.  We were learning about the differences and similarities between life in Scotland and  life in some areas of Africa.  We watched a clip about the day in the life of a young African girl living in Nairobi, Kenya.  The children then worked with a partner to draw and write about the similarities and differences with our own life.  They all worked so hard.

Our Meerkat now has a name.  Bishy Meer.  We are enjoying hearing about his adventures with the children.

Big Pedal

Big pedal continues this week.  Pupils can bring a bike or scooter each day.


Children are off this Friday 4th May and Monday 7th May.  Pupils return on Tuesday 8th May.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs Mackenzie



Wk Beg 30.4.18

Hello everyone! I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and spent lots of time outside in the beautiful weather. Please see below for homework and weekly news update:

Reading books: New reading books with be handed out tomorrow. Please, if you are able, continue to discuss the book with your child and keep encouraging them to use their storyteller voice.

Spelling: Our spelling sound this week is ‘ow’ as in snow, blow and flow. Children are encouraged to combine sounds that we have learned this year in order to make new words, for example, show.

Wordwalls: These continue to be checked in class.

Maths: In class we are learning about halves and quarters and a sheet will be issued on this. We have also begun to think about groups of two and are working very hard to learn how to half and double numbers within 20.

Big Pedal: We had great fun last week scooting about the playground on our bikes and scooters. Pupils can bring these to school again this week. If you are bringing a bike, please remember your helmet.

Just a reminder that pupils are off on Friday of this coming week and Monday (7th May) of next week.

Have a wonderful week ahead!

Miss Cauley

Week beginning 30th April

Good morning,

Homework and news for this week:


Our new spelling rule this week is ‘ow’ as in ‘snow’ ‘elbow’ and ‘glow’.  The spelling test will take place on Thursday because of the Friday in-service.

New reading books will be handed out tomorrow for everyone.

Maths homework will also  be given out tomorrow.


Big Pedal continues this week! Children can continue to bring in their bike or scooter. Please remember that the children must wear a helmet if they are bringing a bike to school. We had a great week of cycling and scooting around the playground last week.

Thursday is our last day of the week due to the Friday in-service. Monday 7th is the May Day bank holiday.

Thanks for all of your continued support.

Miss B

P2B had a special visitor today!

Good afternoon,

Today, P2B were introduced to a very special guest to the class- Sandy the Meerkat! Sandy has come all the way from South Africa to meet the class. We were very excited to meet him too! One child per night will take Sandy home, write an entry into his Meerkat diary (with a drawing or photograph) and bring him back the next day.  Our first pupil has taken him away tonight to visit their home. They should bring him back tomorrow and we will share his first adventure with the class.

Miss B